Anyone have a Template to Show how to use Notifications Plug-in from Corona?

It’s great to know that we now have a new Corona Notifications Plug-in.

Can someone send me a template project made specifically to see how notifications work using the new plug-in?




Then, I just need the steps to SETUP the TEMPLATE example notifications in iTunesConnect or GooglePlay.

   QuickSteps to setup notifications with Apple and Google to operate TEMPLATE ONLY

I realize that all the content to do this is in the API with links to Apple and Google. But because I’ve never implemented a notification before, there is no doubt that a completed, template project is the fastest and best way for me to understand how the plug-in works.

One example of API confusion is:

local launchArgs = …

if ( launchArgs and launchArgs.notification ) then
notificationListener( launchArgs.notification )

If the launchArgs are coming from the operating system, what values or properties are actually sent to me from iOS or Android? What values are important? How should these be used to bring up our App when it has been sleeping? and numerous other related questions.

Having a real-working Template would make it possible better understand all of this.

Any assistance is much appreciated.