App rejected for a survey that had "and download the app" in the description

Despite having the app download category filtered, there is at least one campaign in the offer wall that is a survey task which is causing Apple to reject my app.  Specifically, in the text description in the offer wall it says “and download the app” at the end of the offer.  It is classified as a survey task but is skirting around the app download category and hence causing Apple to cry foul.

This is my 3rd iteration with Apple in these regards.  Any chance we can get the offers cleaned up a bit?  I attached a screenshot of what they were complaining about.


thanks for the information. I’ve forwarded the issue to our operations team to make sure this does not happen again. Sorry for any inconvenience caused…





thanks for the information. I’ve forwarded the issue to our operations team to make sure this does not happen again. Sorry for any inconvenience caused…


