We have been using
store.init("apple", callBack)
for IAP for a really long time. We also see that there is a newer Apple IAP plugin that has come out:
We did some testing with the new plugin, and it seems to work fine, except that the receipt format appears to be different and our receipt validation is failing. So we are trying to understand whether or not we should be migrating to the new Apple IAP plugin, given that the new plugin’s market place listing is full of warnings…
- What exactly is the difference between the Apple IAP plugin vs the stock store.init()? In other words, what benefits can/should I expect if I were to do the work to migrate?
- What exactly is the difference in the receipt data that we receive?
The reason we are considering this is, lately, we’ve been noticing a lot more incidences of our app crashing out of the purchase flow on iOS (within our test environment). So, we want to see if migrating to the new Apple IAP plugin is a good idea.