Apple rejected for use of Facebook in a kids apps

Well this is a new one to us. We updated one of our kids apps that uses Facebook Login and got this rejection:

Third-party analytics or third-party advertising with the ability to collect, transmit or share identifiable information, including, for example, IDFA. Specifically, we found that your app references the [ASIdentifierManager API](, which provides access to a user's IDFA, in the following location(s) in your binary:

    • Frameworks/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/FBSDKCoreKit

    To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to remove all instances of “ASIdentifierManager” from your app, even if they are not utilized in your app's functionality.

We also saw some discussion of this exact issue here:

Any ideas on this? Is there a way to disable this part of the Facebook SDK?