Hello everybody.
I implemented the Appnext plugin in one of my apps and it is working very well on ios, but on Android I constantly get the following errors:
Received adError for 74ccc155-xxxx-464b-90c3-0f19f0c27034\_rewarded with message: Error loading video Received adLoaded for 92060199-xxxx-4415-ab8f-2869ef8c6e43\_interstitial with message: Received adError for 92060199-xxxx-4415-ab8f-2869ef8c6e43\_interstitial with message: no ads
The first two errors I get on plugin initialization, the last one I get when trying to show the interstitial.
I already changed the ad ids twice without any success. This is my code:
---- appnext local function appnextAdListener( event ) print( "Received " .. event.event .. " for " .. event.adKey .. " with message: " .. event.message ) if event.event == "adError" then gameOverAdsCounter = 0 elseif event.event == "adLoaded" and event.adKey == adTable.rewardedAdKey then --this should actually not be necessary, but sometimes the other check seems not to work :/ gameOverGroup.continueVideoBtn.alpha = 1 elseif event.event == "adClosed" and event.adKey == adTable.rewardedAdKey then --rewarded video watched gameOverAdsCounter = 0 appnext.loadAd( adTable.rewardedAdKey ) countingDown = true local numPoints = globals.continuePointsVideo[numTries] local function addPoints() numPoints = numPoints-1 if numPoints \>= 0 and points \< curWorldPoints then makeRing("in") timer.performWithDelay(500, function() points = points + 1 if points%globals.pointsToCount == 0 then addCollPoints(globals.pointsToCount) end collisionAnimation(50) if mode == "survivalMode" then pointsText.text = points else pointsText.text = curWorldPoints-points end checkLevel() addPoints() end) else timer.performWithDelay(500, function() countingDown = false if points \< curWorldPoints then startFct() end end) end end helper.hideGroup(gameOverGroup) timer.performWithDelay(500, function() addPoints() end) elseif event.event == "adClosed" and event.adKey == adTable.interstitialAdKey then --interstitial closed gameOverAdsCounter = 0 end end --initialize appnext appnext.init( appnextAdListener ) adTable.interstitialAdKey = appnext.createAd( "interstitial", adTable.interstitialPlacementID, adTable.interstitialConfig ) adTable.rewardedAdKey = appnext.createAd( "rewarded", adTable.rewardedPlacementID, adTable.rewardedConfig ) -- Load your ads before showing appnext.loadAd( adTable.interstitialAdKey ) appnext.loadAd( adTable.rewardedAdKey ) -- Later in code, when actually showing the interstitial if ( appnext.adIsLoaded( adTable.interstitialAdKey ) ) then if gameOverAdsCounter \>= gameOversToShowAd then appnext.showAd( adTable.interstitialAdKey ) delay = 500 end else appnext.loadAd( adTable.interstitialAdKey ) end
When the game is about to show an interstitial, the screen gets black for some moment but returns to normal afterwards without showing any interstitial.
I got in contact with Appnext and they said that they have corrected the problem and that a new sdk should be available already. I was wondering if Corona already implemented this sdk or when this will happen.
I was wondering as well if I am the only one experiencing this problem??