Appodeal 2.8.1 crash

Hi, I’ve been working on updating Appodeal plugin to 2.8.1., using the official Solar2D plugin. However, one of my apps crashes about 10 seconds after run. I get the following error from the logcat:

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: abstract method "void$EventsListener.onImpressionStored(, java.lang.String)

I did a lot of testing and found out the following: the app crashes when using banners and interstitials, but only with Appodeal Unity plugin enabled. So I guess when the Unity video loads up.

Note that this only happens if you have enough video impressions to run Unity ads ( 50000 daily impressions, you can check this in Appodeal dashboard).

Any ideas? I can get the app running if I disable banner ads or unity ads. Either one is far from ideal.

For some reason, the Unity ads plugin is very old. I suspect it was an error in the tool that @vlads uses to upload the plugins. In any case, you have 2 options:

  1. Wait for @vlads to update it.

  2. Do not use the unity plugin and add it manually to your project. Add a folder AndroidResources and a file corona.grindle then add:

    repositories {
    // … other project repositories
    maven {
    url “

    dependencies {
    implementation ‘’


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Are the plugins not the same versions as stated in the Appodeal SDK content for 2.8.1.? ( That would mean that Unity is already I am using Unity within Apoodeal.

Anyway, @agramonte, thanks for the help! Really appreciate it. When I add this to corona.gradle, the app doesn’t crash anymore. I will have to publish and see if Unity ads still work after this.

Hopefully, the Appodeal SDK will get fixed soon.

Forced the update. Hopefullyt it would fix it.

No crashes so far. Awesome, thanks @vlads for the fast response!

Thank you and @agramonte for spotting that update didn’t go through.

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