Appodeal Ads orientation


I’m testing Appodeal plugin and I have found problem with ads orientation. My app is in landscape mode.

settings = { orientation = { default = "landscapeRight", supported = { "landscapeLeft", "landscapeRight" } },

I’m keep getting ads with portrait orientation from AdColony and Applovin.

Is this normal? Can I force only landscape ads?

I assume that in the app configuration in Appodeal you marked the app as portrait only? I think the default is both.

No. My app is set to landscape mode both in Corona and Appodeal console.

From Appodeal support:

You can’t control the orientation of the ads in the app, the ad provider network does it. In the application settings, you can specify only the preferred orientation, but this does not mean that the orientation will be exactly that.

so problem is in plugin.