Hi, I’ve been able to successfully use AppsFlyer so far in one of my games across both iOS and Android. All seems to be working well. It appears to be built by Corona and I have a quick question about using the logPurchase function.
When I install my game via TestFlight to do a formal IAP test, and in iOS when I use the logPurchase() function (see http://docs.coronalabs.com/plugin/appsflyer/logPurchase.html), I’m getting an error code 21007. Per this link on Apple docs, it states essentially that the validation call is pointing to production servers at Apple rather than test ones.
21007: This receipt is from the test environment, but it was sent to the production environment for verification. Send it to the test environment instead.
In AppsFlyer docs, there is an actual “useReceiptValidationSandbox” flag that can be applied to force an IAP validation event to point towards Apple’s testing servers rather than production. On this AppsFlyer doc, here’s what it shows:
_ “Important: For testing purposes, we recommend to set the useReceiptValidationSandbox flag to YES, as this redirects the requests to Apple sandbox servers.” _
AppsFlyer support said they didn’t make the plugin, so they’re not sure how this flag can be implemented…
Any ideas if this is possible?