Some code from project:
common.lua - Configuration file for major elements in scenes.
-- ============================================================= -- Copyright Roaming Gamer, LLC. 2008-2018 (All Rights Reserved) -- ============================================================= local common = {} common.debugEn = false common.score = 0 common.firstQuestionDelay = 500 common.questionDelay = 1500 -- -- Used on Splash Screen -- common.waitTime = 5000 common.splashTitle = "My Super Awesome Quiz Game!" common.splashTitleFont = \_G.fontB -- from main.lua common.splashTitleSize = 58 common.splashTitleFill = { 1, 1, 0 } common.splashBy = "by Jane Gamemaker" common.splashByFont = \_G.fontN -- from main.lua common.splashBySize = 32 common.splashByFill = { 1, 1, 1 } -- -- Used on Menu Screen -- common.menuTitle = "My Super Awesome Quiz Game!" common.menuTitleFont = \_G.fontB -- from main.lua common.menuTitleSize = 58 common.menuTitleFill = { 1, 1, 0 } common.menuMessage = "Choose Quiz:" common.menuMessageFont = \_G.fontN -- from main.lua common.menuMessageSize = 52 common.menuMessageFill = { 1, 1, 0 } -- -- Used on Play Screen -- common.gameScoreFont = \_G.fontB -- from main.lua common.gameScoreSize = 44 common.gameScoreFill = { 1, 1, 1 } common.gameQuestionFont = \_G.fontB -- from main.lua common.gameQuestionSize = 90 common.gameQuestionFill = { 1, 1, 1 } common.gameAnswerFont = \_G.fontB -- from main.lua common.gameAnswerSize = 80 common.gameAnswerFill = { 1, 1, 1 } return common
add.lua - Addition quiz question samples.
-- ============================================================= -- Copyright Roaming Gamer, LLC. 2008-2018 (All Rights Reserved) -- ============================================================= local data = {} --[[=============================================================== \*\*\* HOW TO ADD QUESTIONS: \*\*\* =============================================================== 1. Create new question table local question = {} 2. Insert question table into data table at next position: data[#data+1] = question 3. Specify question text as string. question.question = "1 + 1" 4. Specify answers as table, where first question is correct answer. question.answers = { 2, 1, 3 } =============================================================== --]] -- local question = {} data[#data+1] = question question.text = "1 + 1" question.answers = { 2, 1, 3 } -- local question = {} data[#data+1] = question question.text = "5 + 4" question.answers = { 9, 10, 8 } return data
home.lua - Main Menu composer.* Scene File
-- ============================================================= -- Copyright Roaming Gamer, LLC. 2008-2018 (All Rights Reserved) -- ============================================================= local composer = require( "composer" ) local scene = composer.newScene() local common = require "scripts.common" -- ============================================================= -- Localizations -- ============================================================= local getInfo = system.getInfo; local getTimer = system.getTimer local mRand = math.random local newCircle = ssk.display.newCircle;local newRect = ssk.display.newRect local newImageRect = ssk.display.newImageRect;local newSprite = ssk.display.newSprite local quickLayers = ssk.display.quickLayers;local newText = display.newText local easyIFC = ssk.easyIFC;local persist = ssk.persist local isValid = display.isValid;local isInBounds = ssk.easyIFC.isInBounds local normRot = ssk.misc.normRot;local easyAlert = ssk.misc.easyAlert -- ============================================================= -- ============================================================= -- ============================================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forward Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- local onPlay ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Locals ---------------------------------------------------------------------- local topInset, leftInset, bottomInset, rightInset = display.getSafeAreaInsets() local buttonXOffset = w/8 local buttonSize = 55 \* 3; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- scene:create( event ) - Called on first scene open ONLY (unless -- the scene has been manually or automatically destroyed.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function scene:create( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view -- Background Image --\_standard/#newimagerect --local back = newImageRect( sceneGroup, centerX, centerY, "images/protoBackX.png", { w = 1386, h = 720} ) local back = newImageRect( sceneGroup, centerX, centerY, "images/plainBack.png", { w = 1386, h = 720} ) -- Title -- -- local title = display.newText( sceneGroup, common.menuTitle, centerX, top + 120, common.menuTitleFont, common.menuTitleSize ) title:setFillColor( unpack( common.menuTitleFill ) ) -- Message -- -- local message = display.newText( sceneGroup, common.menuMessage, centerX, bottom - 2.5 \* buttonSize, common.menuMessageFont, common.menuMessageSize ) message:setFillColor( unpack( common.menuMessageFill ) ) -- -- Buttons -- -- ADDITION BUTTON -- --\_interfaces/#button-parameters local params = { unselImgSrc = "images/symbols/add.png", selImgSrc = "images/symbols/add.png", touchOffset = {1,2}, strokeWidth = 0, labelOffset = { 0, buttonSize/2 + 20 }, labelFont = \_G.fontB, labelSize = 40, labelColor = \_Y\_, unselImgFillColor = \_Y\_, selImgFillColor = \_W\_, } --\_interfaces/#button-factories local button = easyIFC:presetPush( sceneGroup, "default", centerX - 1 \* buttonXOffset, bottom - buttonSize \* 1.25, buttonSize, buttonSize, "Addition", onPlay, params ) button.quiz = "add" -- SUBTRACTION BUTTON -- --\_interfaces/#button-parameters local params = { unselImgSrc = "images/symbols/subtract.png", selImgSrc = "images/symbols/subtract.png", touchOffset = {1,2}, strokeWidth = 0, labelOffset = { 0, buttonSize/2 + 20 }, labelFont = \_G.fontB, labelSize = 40, labelColor = \_ORANGE\_, unselImgFillColor = \_ORANGE\_, selImgFillColor = \_W\_, } --\_interfaces/#button-factories local button = easyIFC:presetPush( sceneGroup, "default", centerX - 3 \* buttonXOffset, bottom - buttonSize \* 1.25, buttonSize, buttonSize, "Subtraction", onPlay, params ) button.quiz = "subtract" -- MULTIPLICATION BUTTON -- --\_interfaces/#button-parameters local params = { unselImgSrc = "images/symbols/multiply.png", selImgSrc = "images/symbols/multiply.png", touchOffset = {1,2}, strokeWidth = 0, labelOffset = { 0, buttonSize/2 + 20 }, labelFont = \_G.fontB, labelSize = 40, labelColor = \_PINK\_, unselImgFillColor = \_PINK\_, selImgFillColor = \_W\_, } --\_interfaces/#button-factories local button = easyIFC:presetPush( sceneGroup, "default", centerX + 1 \* buttonXOffset, bottom - buttonSize \* 1.25, buttonSize, buttonSize, "Multiplication", onPlay, params ) button.quiz = "multiply" -- DIVISION BUTTON -- --\_interfaces/#button-parameters local params = { unselImgSrc = "images/symbols/divide.png", selImgSrc = "images/symbols/divide.png", touchOffset = {1,2}, strokeWidth = 0, labelOffset = { 0, buttonSize/2 + 20 }, labelFont = \_G.fontB, labelSize = 40, labelColor = \_R\_, unselImgFillColor = \_R\_, selImgFillColor = \_W\_, } --\_interfaces/#button-factories local button = easyIFC:presetPush( sceneGroup, "default", centerX + 3 \* buttonXOffset, bottom - buttonSize \* 1.25, buttonSize, buttonSize, "Division", onPlay, params ) button.quiz = "divide" end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- scene:willShow( event ) - Replaces the scene:show() method. This -- method is called during the "will" phase of scene:show(). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function scene:willShow( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- scene:didShow( event ) - Replaces the scene:show() method. This -- method is called during the "did" phase of scene:show(). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function scene:didShow( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- scene:willHide( event ) - Replaces the scene:hide() method. This -- method is called during the "will" phase of scene:hide(). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function scene:willHide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- scene:didHide( event ) - Replaces the scene:hide() method. This -- method is called during the "did" phase of scene:hide(). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function scene:didHide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- scene:destroy( event ) - Called automatically by Composer scene library -- to destroy the contents of the scene (based on settings and memory constraints): -- -- -- Also called if you manually call composer.removeScene() -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function scene:destroy( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Custom Scene Functions/Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------- onPlay = function( event ) local target = -- local params = { quiz = target.quiz } -- composer.gotoScene( "", { time = 500, effect = "crossFade", params = params } ) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Scene Dispatch Events, Etc. - Generally Do Not Touch Below This Line --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This code splits the "show" event into two separate events: willShow and didShow -- for ease of coding above. function scene:show( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local willDid = event.phase if( willDid == "will" ) then self:willShow( event ) elseif( willDid == "did" ) then self:didShow( event ) end end -- This code splits the "hide" event into two separate events: willHide and didHide -- for ease of coding above. function scene:hide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local willDid = event.phase if( willDid == "will" ) then self:willHide( event ) elseif( willDid == "did" ) then self:didHide( event ) end end scene:addEventListener( "create", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "show", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return scene