Automatic retry?

I’ve set up both Flurry and GameAnalytics within my game, and was wondering how they handle errors like no internet connection. Do they queue up events and post them to the cloud once the network connection is restored? If so, do they persist them in local storage in case the game is closed?

Wondering whether I need to implement my own retry logic. Thanks!

In GameAnalytics If you set the GA.archiveEvents property to true it will save the events on local storage if there is no connection.

It will send the events when the device is connected again. So you shouldn’t need to implement your own logic with GA.

I don’t know how/if Flurry handles this.

In GA, after setting GA.archiveEvents to true, in offline mode there are archived up to 512KB of events. However, this value can be changed by setting GA.archiveEventsLimit to a different value (KB).

Thanks guys. Sounds like GA does this, and I’ll need to test Flurry. 

In GameAnalytics If you set the GA.archiveEvents property to true it will save the events on local storage if there is no connection.

It will send the events when the device is connected again. So you shouldn’t need to implement your own logic with GA.

I don’t know how/if Flurry handles this.

In GA, after setting GA.archiveEvents to true, in offline mode there are archived up to 512KB of events. However, this value can be changed by setting GA.archiveEventsLimit to a different value (KB).

Thanks guys. Sounds like GA does this, and I’ll need to test Flurry.