Banner ad placement issue on solar2dmarketplace ironSource plugin

Small issue with the solar2dMarketplace IronSource plugin on Android-- the banner accepts bottom, top etc as positions but these don’t seem to respect the additional screen area on devices that are taller than the standard 16:9.

In the screenshot, we are showing a simple test ad banner at the bottom position and you can see that we have moved up our UI elements in that part of the screen to make space for the banner after detecting that it was available but the banner doesn’t actually show at the bottom but appears to use limited screen based on 16:9.

Will really appreciate if @Scott_Harrison or another user of this plugin could test or suggest a workaround.


I will take a look

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ok thanks… The facebook adapter has also stopped working for iOS it seems. The app doesn’t build and it points to a linking error when compiling the armv7 slice. If you’re not getting this error, I can send more detailed logs

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I fixed the Android placement issue

Thanks, Scott. I’ll try it out soon. If you can also please look at the iOS plugin— I thought it was just the facebook adapter but even the base plugin seems to cause a crash now on app start.

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I updated all the adapters for iOS and made some tweaks for iOS 14 and faster load times.

I will be on the road most of the day tomorrow but let me know

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Thanks as always! Builds for ios are working again but I dont have a tall android device at hand to test the banner ads. Will test everything properly on Monday and let you if there are any major issues at all.

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