When you use extended characters for other languages e.g. ü a u with an umlaut. In the preview you get a diamond with a question mark instead.
I don’t know if this only affect the preview but I wouldn’t want that shown to users.
When you use extended characters for other languages e.g. ü a u with an umlaut. In the preview you get a diamond with a question mark instead.
I don’t know if this only affect the preview but I wouldn’t want that shown to users.
Thanks for the report. We should have fixed it. Can you try again?
Tested it again. Not quite what I was expecting. Now if I enter a letter with an accent I get just that letter without an accent instead of the letter with that accent. e.g. ü --> u è --> e
Okay I will get someone to take another look. It seems to work fine for me on OSX and google chrome.
Which browser are you using?
Can you send me the exact string you are testing with?
OSX and chrome
originally I tested it on Win7 and chrome. I use the hold down the char key to pick an alternate accented letter.
Just retested and realized that it’s working except for the last character entered. Try entering this string one letter at a time and watch what happens to the last character.
I tried entering the characters one at a time and saw no strange behaviour. What were you seeing?
The very last character doesn’t change to an accented character. I’ll test again later tonight. BTW, last night the landscape banner was still showing up on the bottom.
Thanks for the report. We should have fixed it. Can you try again?
Tested it again. Not quite what I was expecting. Now if I enter a letter with an accent I get just that letter without an accent instead of the letter with that accent. e.g. ü --> u è --> e
Okay I will get someone to take another look. It seems to work fine for me on OSX and google chrome.
Which browser are you using?
Can you send me the exact string you are testing with?
OSX and chrome
originally I tested it on Win7 and chrome. I use the hold down the char key to pick an alternate accented letter.
Just retested and realized that it’s working except for the last character entered. Try entering this string one letter at a time and watch what happens to the last character.
I tried entering the characters one at a time and saw no strange behaviour. What were you seeing?
The very last character doesn’t change to an accented character. I’ll test again later tonight. BTW, last night the landscape banner was still showing up on the bottom.