I’m having problems with applying an animation to a skeleton with Spine. The skeleton just picks up the first frame of the sequence. Not sure what I am missing.
The topics I have read in forums also show
[lua]walkAnimation:apply(skeleton, animationTime, true )[/lua]
I’ve found that I can’t set true for loops otherwise I get the error. “attempt to compare boolean with number”
It appears I need to set the number of loops
[lua] local spine = require “spine-corona.spine”
local json = spine.SkeletonJson.new()
json.scale = 1
local skeletonData = json:readSkeletonDataFile(“examples/spineboy/spineboy.json”)
local skeleton = spine.Skeleton.new(skeletonData)
function skeleton:createImage (attachment)
– Customize where images are loaded.
return display.newImage(“examples/spineboy/images/” … attachment.name … “.png”)
skeleton.group.x = 150
skeleton.group.y = 325
skeleton.flipX = false
skeleton.flipY = false
skeleton.debug = false – Omit or set to false to not draw debug lines on top of the images.
skeleton.debugAabb = false
local walkAnimation = skeletonData:findAnimation(“walk”)
local jumpAnimation = skeletonData:findAnimation(“jump”)
local lastTime = 0
local playAnimation = true
local animationTime = 0
Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, function (event)
– Compute time in seconds since last frame.
local currentTime = event.time / 1000
local delta = currentTime - lastTime
lastTime = currentTime
animationTime = animationTime + delta
--Pose skeleton using animation.
if playAnimation == true then
walkAnimation:apply(skeleton, animationTime, 10 )