Big issue with all our apps. Invite dialog do not open standard facebook app (Android only)


Login - opens facebook app with login - OK!
Share - opens facebook app with share dialog - OK!
Invite - opens web popup :frowning:

FB team tested our apps and found this issue only :(, but want to fix it in 5 days!

[Facebook Policy Warning for App:…]

Please make sure your app is using the most recent version of our SDK for Login. You can find more information on our SDK for Login and other Login-related products here:
You can see our visual example for this policy here:
Specifically, the Android app is not using the latest SDK for login (Still requesting users to type email and password) when trying to invite Facebook friends after already logging in to the App with Facebook.
You can access the full list of our Platform Policies here:

Corona team!!! Please - help me!!!

Just compiled and installed corona FB example (changed FB id only)
All is very bad :(  

Login is perfect!

isFacebook app is true

Share link dialog - perfect!

Share photo dialog - bug

Show request dialog - bug

Please help!!! 

Hi @Dr.Klaus,

I’ll share this issue with Engineering team.

Just compiled and installed corona FB example (changed FB id only)
All is very bad :(  

Login is perfect!

isFacebook app is true

Share link dialog - perfect!

Share photo dialog - bug

Show request dialog - bug

Please help!!! 

Hi @Dr.Klaus,

I’ll share this issue with Engineering team.