Hi there,
First I’d like to echo the comments in the other threads – the ads are quite attractive, and the support I’ve seen in the other threads has been excellent.
On iOS, I’m seeing an issue where the screen goes black after I dismiss an ad. Here is my simple test case that exhibits the bug:
settings = { orientation = { default = "portrait", content = "portrait", supported = { "portrait" }, }, plugins = { ["plugin.adbuddiz"] = { publisherId = "com.adbuddiz" } } }
local AdBuddiz = require("plugin.adbuddiz") -- Display a red rectangle so it's obvious when the screen goes black local rect = display.newRect(100,100, 200,200) rect:setFillColor(1,0.5,0.5) -- Print the time every second to the console to tell if the app is still running timer.performWithDelay(1000, function() print(os.time()) end, 0) AdBuddiz.setIOSPublisherKey("IOS-PUBLISHER-ID") AdBuddiz.cacheAds() -- Display an ad after 3 seconds to allow some time for ads to cache timer.performWithDelay(3000, AdBuddiz.showAd)
Replace the iOS publisher ID with a valid ID.
Launch the app and an ad will display in 3 seconds. After tapping the ‘x’ button, the red rectangle will disappear (sometimes just for a second, but usually permanently). Note that the app has not crashed: the time still prints to the console every second, and the rectangle does reappear if you exit and re-enter the app. This suggests the problem is has something to do with the Corona OpenGL canvas not re-rendering after an ad is dismissed.
I tested and saw this bug on both an iPhone 5 running iOS 7.1.1 and an iPad 3 running iOS 7.0.4. I built with Corona 2318.
- Andrew