Bluetooth plugin Generates error “Error: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1” when trying to connect to device.

Bluetooth plugin Generates error “Error: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1” when trying to connect to device.


Plugin Page on market :

Test conditions

  1. I am using the “Scott H Tech” plugin and building the Android apk with build 2020.3575.

  2. I generate the apk based on the example code (no changes)

  3. In “Devices Configured” it shows me the list of configured or paired devices.

  4. “Device Found” shows nearby devices (not configured or unpaired)


When I select a device from the list of devices configured I get this error (XPERIA-L1 is my target/called device):

Name:XPERIA-L1/Error: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1

What could be happening?

Regards and thanks in advance for your answers,



I have performed a new process using build-3563, and the results are the same.

I receive the same message for both “devices Configured” and “Devices Found”

