Bluetooth plugin - no GZIP problem

I get this error when building for android:

Cannot expand TAR ‘\AppData\Local\Temp\Corona Labs\CLtmpa13376\template\app\build\corona-plugins\\data.tgz’.
Could not read \AppData\Local\Temp\Corona Labs\CLtmpa13376\template\app\build\corona-plugins\\data.tgz.
Not in GZIP format

Using @Scott_Harrison plugin. What can be the problem here?

Can you expand?
What does your build.settings look like?


build settings:

    settings = 
	orientation =
		default = "portrait", 
		supported = { "portrait", "portraitUpsideDown"  }
	iphone =
    xcassets = "Images.xcassets",
		plist =
      UIBackgroundModes = {"remote-notification"},
      UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen",
      NSAppTransportSecurity =
          NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = true,
      CFBundleLocalizations = {
      CFBundleDisplayName = "app",
      CFBundleName = "app",   
      NSCameraUsageDescription = "Aby wysyłać zdjęcia potrzeby jest dostęp do aparatu.",
      NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription = "Aby wysyłać zrobione zdjęcia potrzeby jest dostęp do zdjęć.",   

	plugins = {  
        ["plugin.utf8"] = {publisherId = "com.coronalabs"},
        ["plugin.openudid"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" },
        ["plugin.OneSignal"] = {publisherId = "com.onesignal"},
        ["plugin.notifications.v2"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" },
        [""] = { publisherId="tech.scotth", marketplaceId = "my id" }

    android =
      usesPermissions =
      minSdkVersion = "16",

    splashScreen = 
        enable = false,
        image = "splash_logo.jpg"

without this plugin all works fine. Strange thing is that it worked once, and when I tried to build after some time, it gave me this error.

Ok, it started to work when I have cleard AppData and clear project sandbox and that helped.