Bucketman - coloring your city [out now for free]

Sry, if this is a doppel post, but I dont know which forum is the best to post to…

Hey everybody,

it took me quite some time, but finally I want to present to you my game „Bucketman – coloring your city“.

I used this forum a lot and could find solutions to almost all of my problems, either by reading or by asking. I would be happy you could have a look onto my game and even more happy about some feedback.

I started this game with the idea of Pacman in the streets of the world, aka in google maps.

By the time it became way more and now my Pacman (Bucketman) can jump and throws paints that he has to collect as well as water, and google maps became openstreetmap.

The main theme is still Pacman, you have to run around, collect some things, avoid other things and if you pic up super things you can kill the other things that were dangerous before.

included a timer and also a skill system that allows you to become
better and better, all by exchanging paints and water. There are two
game modi, mission and survival. In the missions you gather skills and features and in the survival maps you collect paints and also can submit your score to a leaderboard to compete with your friends.

The survival mode offers three different types of maps: current position, random maps and saved maps.

The current position is … well, your current position ie your neighbourhood.

Random maps are maps from a pool of maps that are, until now, selected by me but I am working on a function to include the current position maps into this pool, so everybody can play everybody elses maps.

Saved maps are your current or random maps that you decided to save to play them without gps and internet.

wow, lots of text, maybe better watch this video which shows the game in action:


Until now the game is android only and can be found in the playstore here (its


Once again I want to say thank you to this amazing comunity and of course to corona sdk
that made it possible to build a game from zero to playstore in 7 months.

Best regards,


this looks like fun, congrats Felix!

Thank you dingo,

Lets see what the rest of the world thinks :smiley:

Could you install and play it? I currently got feedback from some devices where it does not work and I am searching for some regularity…

It did not work on a xperia tipo and a galaxy ace plus (s7500) …

I updated the game in the playstore and I included an easter special that is valid until 24.4.2014.

The new update brings new missions, new sidemissions, one new skill and a new feature to the game.
With this new missions the game has now a real end and the survival mode is also more challenging and fun.

The easter special includes the new feature “presents” for free (until 24.4.2014)
This means that you get EVERY new stage a present that you can collect
and you will get up to 40 water, 40 paints, 40 seconds or 4 lifes!

I fixed various other little bugs and I also reduced the amount of advertisment in the game.

Give it a try!
Download or update the game now for free:


I updated the game in the playstore.

Now the easter special will last until the end of april! Go and find some easter eggs :slight_smile:

I also included the White House into the list of random maps.

If your lucky you can play (almost) inside the White House now:)

this looks like fun, congrats Felix!

Thank you dingo,

Lets see what the rest of the world thinks :smiley:

Could you install and play it? I currently got feedback from some devices where it does not work and I am searching for some regularity…

It did not work on a xperia tipo and a galaxy ace plus (s7500) …

I updated the game in the playstore and I included an easter special that is valid until 24.4.2014.

The new update brings new missions, new sidemissions, one new skill and a new feature to the game.
With this new missions the game has now a real end and the survival mode is also more challenging and fun.

The easter special includes the new feature “presents” for free (until 24.4.2014)
This means that you get EVERY new stage a present that you can collect
and you will get up to 40 water, 40 paints, 40 seconds or 4 lifes!

I fixed various other little bugs and I also reduced the amount of advertisment in the game.

Give it a try!
Download or update the game now for free:


New update!

I finally finished the german and the portuguese translations…

I also included some new things and made some other things even better :slight_smile:

With one update earlier I also could fix a problem that caused the game to break on some (very few) devices… (posted about it here in the forums somewhere)

so, go give it a try, if you did not do so jet :slight_smile:


All the best and happy coding,


Hi Felix,
It’s a cool game! good job!

Thank you phoenixongogo!

this is cool. kind of a map game after ingress. will do try it!

Well, I think of my game as unique and different from ingress, as ingress uses the maps “only” as background with some overlayer to place things on it.

I transform the raw street data into the map, into the levels, meaning that you are bound to the streets as they really are, as well as the AIVs (the enemies).

I am planing to also include street rules, like oneway streets and to check for bridges and tunnels.

anyway, thank you for your comment!

I would be very happy, if you could tell me what you think about it after trying :slight_smile:

I updated the game in the playstore.

Now the easter special will last until the end of april! Go and find some easter eggs :slight_smile:

I also included the White House into the list of random maps.

If your lucky you can play (almost) inside the White House now:)

well, to my opinion transforming the raw data into level layout is not so bad, but I think it would feel more fun if the data was more realistic. Like, the AIV should represent real traffic at the moment happening to the map. That is why using google map API would create a lot opportunity, because they have a lot of data to be implement of. I really like game like Ingress because they implement real-time data into the game, which makes it more interesting to play.

But that is just my opinion. so far the game is awesome, and i think adding street rules will make it better. keep up the good job!

yeah, realtime-realworld data would be awesome! I thought about the weather once, like when its raining or cold the streets get slippery :slight_smile:

The problem with the google maps api is, that they do not give you the raw data, just the map tiles.

unfortunatly, because traffic would be a real great addition!

I thought about a multiplayer mode, where you could play with or against others in the same map, if they are close enough.

But I skiped that part until now. There are other things that I want to solve before starting such ambitious things :slight_smile:

Thank you again for your thoughts, I am happy that you like the game! I will post here when the next update is out. (most probably without the street rules, but with some bugfixes :slight_smile:

cheers, felix

This game looks really great. You can tell that a ton  of work went into making this.

I hope it is making you some money :slight_smile:

Best of luck with it!

Thank you Gremlin Interactive!

Yeah this game WAS a ton of work :slight_smile: Especially because it is my first experience with game dev at all …

But thanks to corona and its community I could figure out how to solve each and every problem that occured (or at least find away around it :slight_smile:

Regarding the money… well, lets keep hoping :smiley: I think I have to invest a little bit into marketing, but I want to fix some things before and include maybe some more features…

By the way, there is a new update in the playstore!!

Fixed a problem in the german version (you could not upgrade your skills),

Included the missing letter ç into the portuguese version.

Fixed a major bug on tablets that misplaced the points relative to the map after following the “next” button at the end of a mission.

And the best: Included new sounds! now its all made by “myMouth” :smiley:

Check it out!


New update!

I finally finished the german and the portuguese translations…

I also included some new things and made some other things even better :slight_smile:

With one update earlier I also could fix a problem that caused the game to break on some (very few) devices… (posted about it here in the forums somewhere)

so, go give it a try, if you did not do so jet :slight_smile:


All the best and happy coding,


Hi Felix,
It’s a cool game! good job!