Hi, I want to invite friends to download my game, code is pasted below (almost same as the sample).
the problem is: it seems work correctly because log shows the response is fine, but the friends can’t receive the invitation.
other questions:
how to insert a picture in the dialog? is it possible?
the message text doesn’t show in the dialog, is this a bug?
facebook.showDialog( “requests”,
message = “You should download this game!”,
filter = “APP_NON_USERS”,
title = ‘Invite Friends’,
--link = 'https://developer.coronalabs.com/demo/hello.png’
--picture = 'https://developer.coronalabs.com/demo/hello.png’
--suggestions = scene.suggestions,
Jul 1 15:33:38 -ouguolinde-iPad 1359 Friends[324] <Warning>: event.name:fbconnect
Jul 1 15:33:38 -ouguolinde-iPad 1359 Friends[324] <Warning>: isError: false
Jul 1 15:33:38 -ouguolinde-iPad 1359 Friends[324] <Warning>: didComplete: true
Jul 1 15:33:38 -ouguolinde-iPad 1359 Friends[324] <Warning>: event.type:dialog
Jul 1 15:33:38 -ouguolinde-iPad 1359 Friends[324] <Warning>: dialog fbconnect://success?RequestID=265206193843867&Recipient=295316080809709&Recipient=(
OS: Macosx 10.11.2
Corona SDK: Build: 2016.2892
Device: iPad 2 9.3.1 &iPad Mini 9.3.2