Can we remove some permissions using Enterprise

Inmobi requires an absurd no. of permissions, which is a big deterrent to include it in android…

My question is, can some of the permissions be removed manually?
I know we cannot do that in Pro, but will it be possible using Enterprise ? 

Hi @Satheesh,

I’m pretty sure that InMobi simply wouldn’t work if you removed most (or even some) of the permissions. Of course I haven’t confirmed that via testing, but that is my guess.

Take care,


He Brent, 

We were in touch with one Inmobi representative and here’s what she said.


These are the mandatory permissions.


<uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.INTERNET” /><uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE” />


You’ll be able to change the same in the source code if you have Corona Enterprise. 



Hence I asked. 
Can you confirm that inmobi won’t work if the other permissions were removed? 

Hi @Satheesh,

I’m pretty sure that InMobi simply wouldn’t work if you removed most (or even some) of the permissions. Of course I haven’t confirmed that via testing, but that is my guess.

Take care,


He Brent, 

We were in touch with one Inmobi representative and here’s what she said.


These are the mandatory permissions.


<uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.INTERNET” /><uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE” />


You’ll be able to change the same in the source code if you have Corona Enterprise. 



Hence I asked. 
Can you confirm that inmobi won’t work if the other permissions were removed?