Hi there. I’m considering going from my own tile system to something more sensible, like a Tiled / Dusk combo, but I cannot get even the simplest stuff right ti seems.
I’ve tried to create a simple map with Tiled and defined collision data for each tile in the collision editor. Data can be found here:
Then I’ve tried to make an übersimple app that shows this map with hybrid drawing mode to see how the physics is working, but there doesn’t seem to be any?
local dusk = require("Dusk.Dusk") require("physics") physics.start() physics.setDrawMode("hybrid") display.setDefault("minTextureFilter", "nearest") display.setDefault("magTextureFilter", "nearest") local map = dusk.buildMap("maps/g03.json") map.x = 0 map.y = 0 local mapPixSize = display.contentWidth\*2 map.width = mapPixSize map.height = mapPixSize local function gameLoop(event) map.updateView() end Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", gameLoop)
Anyone know how this is supposed to work? Maybe there are some simple examples I can look at somewhere?