This is problem specific to this one app and its code, because I can build with the same plugin with a newer set of game code.
But I just updated this game’s build in January and it went fine. Now, there appears to be a strange problem. The build process with 3665 is looking for notifications.v2 inside this local folder:
Really, it’s looking in a com.coronalabs folder?
I have included the entire log from the build, if anyone can help. Sorry to comment, but it is aggravating that when something was working fine, that a new build or OS or Xcode or whatever makes it so that I can’t just create a new build without hunting down problems.
Using openjdk version “1.8.0_242-release”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_242-release-1644-b3-6915495)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.242-b3-6915495, mixed mode)
Testing credentials for ‘/Volumes/2020/Dropbox/Projects/GoogleAppSigning/playthebibleMadeByBhavin.keystore’:
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
jar signed.
Using openjdk version “1.8.0_242-release”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_242-release-1644-b3-6915495)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.242-b3-6915495, mixed mode)
Total time: 1 second
Error while fetching plugins: ERROR: occured while collecting plugins for Android. Unable to find plugin ‘plugin.notifications.v2’ for platform ‘android’:
Custom URL: skipped because no table supportedPlatforms provided for plugin.notifications.v2
Locally: no directory /Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2
Locally: no file ‘/Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2/android/data.tgz’
Locally: no file ‘/Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2/data.tgz’
Solar2D Marketplace Directory: skipped because marketplaceId is not set
Solar2D Directory: directory was not fetched
Ignore Missing checker: no plugin directory /Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2
Unable to find plugin ‘plugin.notifications.v2’ for platform ‘lua’:
Custom URL: skipped because no table supportedPlatforms provided for plugin.notifications.v2
Locally: no directory /Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2
Locally: no file ‘/Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2/lua/data.tgz’
Locally: no file ‘/Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2/data.tgz’
Solar2D Marketplace Directory: skipped because marketplaceId is not set
Solar2D Directory: directory was not fetched
Ignore Missing checker: no plugin directory /Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
Build file ‘/private/var/folders/6g/37ltmn0d17xdq76fys4f_p340000gp/T/CLtmp7NuJaZ/template/app/build.gradle.kts’ line: 562 -
What went wrong:
Error while fetching plugins: ERROR: occured while collecting plugins for Android. Unable to find plugin ‘plugin.notifications.v2’ for platform ‘android’:
Custom URL: skipped because no table supportedPlatforms provided for plugin.notifications.v2
Locally: no directory /Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2
Locally: no file ‘/Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2/android/data.tgz’
Locally: no file ‘/Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2/data.tgz’
Solar2D Marketplace Directory: skipped because marketplaceId is not set
Solar2D Directory: directory was not fetched
Ignore Missing checker: no plugin directory /Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2
Unable to find plugin ‘plugin.notifications.v2’ for platform ‘lua’:
Custom URL: skipped because no table supportedPlatforms provided for plugin.notifications.v2
Locally: no directory /Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2
Locally: no file ‘/Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2/lua/data.tgz’
Locally: no file ‘/Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2/data.tgz’
Solar2D Marketplace Directory: skipped because marketplaceId is not set
Solar2D Directory: directory was not fetched
Ignore Missing checker: no plugin directory /Users/troylyndon/Solar2DPlugins/com.coronalabs/plugin.notifications.v2 -
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights. -
Get more help at
BUILD FAILED in 1m 10s
Android build failed (256) after 75 seconds
ERROR: Build Failed: Error code: 256
Program stopped (pid: 97779).
Program completed in 133.23 seconds (pid: 97779).