Can't delete Interstitial

Hi everyone - here some special question.

On an interstitial I have this listener:

function interstitialListener(event)

    if event.event == “onDismiss” then

        storyboard.gotoScene( “main_menu” )



It works fine - the interstitial is closed and storyboard jumps to the next page - 

but surprise: on the next page a new interstitial is shown - without any code.

It’s seems an interstitial can’t be stopped - aaaaaaahhhh! :slight_smile:

Any idea? For a banner this works fine: tapfortap.removeAdView() - is there a similar for interstitial?

Thank you


“onDismiss” event has never worked for me, it just does not trigger, what I do is, to call tapfortap.showInterstitial() on the createScene event of the second scene, so when I change scenes, the interstitial is shown in between them

I should have fixed the events firing for Android in the latest release however there a few other issues that have been reported and I am looking into them.

“onDismiss” event has never worked for me, it just does not trigger, what I do is, to call tapfortap.showInterstitial() on the createScene event of the second scene, so when I change scenes, the interstitial is shown in between them

I should have fixed the events firing for Android in the latest release however there a few other issues that have been reported and I am looking into them.