Cant download

Hmm I did delete the apps. Are you sure you don’t have your API key in another test app somewhere (the apps were added on the 24th and 25th)? If need be I can deprecate that API key (no new apps can be added with that key) and issue a new one to your account and once you have migrated your other apps away from that key and I will disable it. Let me know what you would like to do.

I have forwarded your account questions onto Ryan Gerhardt and he will send you an email.

I see now 6 apps, and I have the API key only in both apps that are live (Grooh and Athleticooh). All I can see is that I am spending credits on self promotion, but I have 100% monetization. Looking forward to Ryan’s email!

Ok I will deprecate your API key and issue a new one. That will stop those apps from being added, but your current apps will still work.

hey phil. the apps are still there. Haven’t heard from Ryan!

Sorry about that. I did not get a chance to deprecate the API key yesterday, got pulled onto something else. I will make sure it gets done today.

I will ping Ryan and get him to answer you.