Cant download

[EDIT]: I guess plugins only work on device… its all fine there :).

It asks me on both platforms to download the plugin. It seems that works. But the api calls keep telling me “library is not available on this platform”.

did I miss something?

I have added the plugin to the build.settings file and I am using build 1115.

Yes, it will only work on Android and iOS devices (as well as emulators and the simulator). Tap for Tap cannot show ads in the Corona simulator. 

When Corona asks to download the plugin, it downloads a dummy implementation of the plugin for the Corona simulator. This lets you continue to test your app on the Corona simulator without the Tap for Tap plugin causing a crash because it fails to resolve function calls into native code. When you do a build an app for iOS/Android, the full working version of the plugin for that platform gets included.

thanks a lot!

phil, another question: i have two apps live on google play in the appstore, 100% monetization… but I can’t see impressions, revenue etc… but the implementation is alright. did i miss something, like a “go live” in the app settings or something?

The app should go live automatically and I see that it is indeed live in our system.

I downloaded your app and saw that you are showing an app wall, so my guess is that a debug build was uploaded to the store (ie android:debuggable=“true” in the AndroidManifest.xml). If the Android app is built with the debug flag set to true, any impressions the app requests are considered test impressions and we do not record them.

hey Phil,

i am using ingame ads too, that get showed quite often in both games. and both games have been built with the right key with corona sdk, no debug flag set on.

and now I see this in my dashboard (don’t know where the other two apps come from):


For some reason the test mode is being enabled in Tap for Tap. I am looking into getting it resolved. In the meantime as a workaround we have made a change on our servers and you should be getting impressions. 

I think those other two apps showed up because of me trying to figure out what is going on (sorry about that). I have removed them from your account.

thanks for your help phil.

the apps are still there, and i still have 0.00 revenue, with 100% monetization. impressions and taps get recorded.

is this messed up? you can contact me by mail info AT

Hmm I did delete the apps. Are you sure you don’t have your API key in another test app somewhere (the apps were added on the 24th and 25th)? If need be I can deprecate that API key (no new apps can be added with that key) and issue a new one to your account and once you have migrated your other apps away from that key and I will disable it. Let me know what you would like to do.

I have forwarded your account questions onto Ryan Gerhardt and he will send you an email.

I see now 6 apps, and I have the API key only in both apps that are live (Grooh and Athleticooh). All I can see is that I am spending credits on self promotion, but I have 100% monetization. Looking forward to Ryan’s email!

Ok I will deprecate your API key and issue a new one. That will stop those apps from being added, but your current apps will still work.

hey phil. the apps are still there. Haven’t heard from Ryan!

Sorry about that. I did not get a chance to deprecate the API key yesterday, got pulled onto something else. I will make sure it gets done today.

I will ping Ryan and get him to answer you.

Yes, it will only work on Android and iOS devices (as well as emulators and the simulator). Tap for Tap cannot show ads in the Corona simulator. 

When Corona asks to download the plugin, it downloads a dummy implementation of the plugin for the Corona simulator. This lets you continue to test your app on the Corona simulator without the Tap for Tap plugin causing a crash because it fails to resolve function calls into native code. When you do a build an app for iOS/Android, the full working version of the plugin for that platform gets included.

thanks a lot!

phil, another question: i have two apps live on google play in the appstore, 100% monetization… but I can’t see impressions, revenue etc… but the implementation is alright. did i miss something, like a “go live” in the app settings or something?

The app should go live automatically and I see that it is indeed live in our system.

I downloaded your app and saw that you are showing an app wall, so my guess is that a debug build was uploaded to the store (ie android:debuggable=“true” in the AndroidManifest.xml). If the Android app is built with the debug flag set to true, any impressions the app requests are considered test impressions and we do not record them.

hey Phil,

i am using ingame ads too, that get showed quite often in both games. and both games have been built with the right key with corona sdk, no debug flag set on.

and now I see this in my dashboard (don’t know where the other two apps come from):


For some reason the test mode is being enabled in Tap for Tap. I am looking into getting it resolved. In the meantime as a workaround we have made a change on our servers and you should be getting impressions. 

I think those other two apps showed up because of me trying to figure out what is going on (sorry about that). I have removed them from your account.

thanks for your help phil.

the apps are still there, and i still have 0.00 revenue, with 100% monetization. impressions and taps get recorded.

is this messed up? you can contact me by mail info AT