Hi guys,
I was looking at the Spine tool and it seems quite impressive, but I’m wondering if it’s compatible with recent Corona builds - does anyone know for sure? Has anyone tried running the examples from Spine with 2014.2189?
Here’s what I did
- Downloaded examples from
Copied spine-lua to spine-corona/spine-lua
Included the Graphics 2.0 tweaks from this pull request: https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/pull/192
Tried to run the Spineboy example
The example is supposed to show some draw order shuffling, jump, and then walk indefinitely. However, the walking animation does not work. In the Goblin example, no animation works at all, the goblin just stands there blinking its eyes.
I also tried without the Graphics 2.0 pull request and enabling Graphics 1.0 compatibility mode. No luck.