Can't show up inneractive AD on iphone

Hi all.

I am develping universal app.

When i build for iPad, i can see the InnerActive AD perfectly. But when i try to use iPhone can’t see.

I am not sure but i think it’s related with build config.
any ideas??

– My config.lua —

elseif sysModel ~= “iPad” then

application =
content =
width = 768,
height = 1024,
scale = “zoomEven”,
audioPlayFrequency = 22050,
imageSuffix = {
["@2x"] = 2,
elseif sysModel == “iPad” then

application =
content =
width = 768,
height = 1024,
scale = “none”,
audioPlayFrequency = 22050,
fps = 30,

imageSuffix = {
["@2x"] = 2,

[import]uid: 92273 topic_id: 21856 reply_id: 321856[/import]

I think the problem is in the ~= “iPad” block … You have the dimensions set to 768 x 1024 which is more pixels than what is available on the iPhone3GS as well as the newer ones (4/4S).

If you make your app universal you should adjust the width/height to 320 x 480 if NOT iPad. [import]uid: 52430 topic_id: 21856 reply_id: 86968[/import]