Cant´t display test ads on my app

Hello, I am trying to show test ads in my application but I get the following answer:

event name: adsRequest envent phase: init event response: nil

At the same time i am getting this in my logs:

[Device] plugin.admob: Generated AdMob Test ID 'e060575366ad35c5218b593ad8de7a1a' Mar 09 04:26:39.348 [Device] [com.mobyleinc.prueba] Set badge number [hasCompletionHandler: 0 hasError: 0] Mar 09 04:26:39.361 [Device] Got system group container path from MCM for /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/ [Device] nw\_path\_evaluator\_start [B52DE291-69B1-4405-A5FC-40EEC0EE7A94 Hostname#650e0b4a:0 generic, indefinite] [Device] path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns, expensive Mar 09 04:26:39.361 [Device] Found 5 implemented methods in 1 delegates [Device] Sending selectors to server: \<private\> [Device] plugin.admob: 1.2.6 (SDK: afma-sdk-i-v7.32.0)

Which is why I think I am doing the implementation well since the device initializes correctly. This is my code:

aplicacionId = “ca-app-pub-1037775853870492~3897561189”

interstitial = “ca-app-pub-1037775853870492/3101913786”

banner = “ca-app-pub-1037775853870492/5655924935”

function startAds() function adListener( event ) if ( event.phase == "init" ) then -- Successful initialization admob.load( "banner", { adUnitId=banner } ) end if (event.phase == "displayed") then print ("------- NEW AD -------") if (event.type == 'interstitial') then print(" -- New Interstitial -- ") end if (event.phase == "refresh") then print( "--- refresh ---" ) elseif (event.type == 'interstitial') then admob.hide() end end if ( event.isError ) then local mistake = event.response print(mistake) end end admob.init( adListener, { appId=aplicacionId, testMode=true } ) end