Quick chime in here:
If you choose a large font size, some fonts will not work. (Probably requiring too much memory to render).
Some fonts are just broken, especially free ones.
Some fonts will not print when you use a string like this: “BOB”, but if you do this, they will print " BOB " (notice space at front and at end).
When you encounter a font problem, the best way to get help is to make a tiny project with these files and share it with the folks here so we can see it live and help debug it:
- main.lua - Just one line showing you using the font and demonstrating it NOT working.
- config.lua - We want to see this because it helps us understand how scaling may be affecting things.
- build.settings - Super important if you want to use your font on iOS. We need to check that bit too.
- font.ttf (the font or fonts that are giving you trouble)
With the info from #4, we’ll have everything we need to help you and not worry about ambiguity in the forums post.