Carrot postAchievement

Hey Guys, 

I have been playing with carrot for 2 months now and can’t find a solution to why my app can’t post my achievement to Facebook or wall.

In my game when a persons win a level the person unlock award from the play store/ Google services and then the award is posted to the Facebook wall. 

I call this in the win scene    

carrot.postAchievement("level 2 unlock");

but some how carrot does not post directly to my wall.  Also i validated carrot token in the log in of my app and Initialized it.

Someone please help.


ps   i can’t find good documentation on the corona docs or online to explain what needs to be done. 


Does my app has to be approved by facebook in order for carrot to post my awards. Why this dont work??

Thanks sean

Does my app has to be approved by facebook in order for carrot to post my awards. Why this dont work??

Thanks sean