changing scene setFillColor

I try to change scenes with corona sdk storyboard, 
the spine animation works well when I enter the scene,
I added to the group 
but when I leave the scene I get this message

…oard(default)\spinestoryboard\spine-corona\spine.lua:153: attempt to call method ‘setFillColor’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
?: in function <?:218>
[C]: in function ‘setFillColor’
…oard(default)\spinestoryboard\spine-corona\spine.lua:153: in function ‘updateWorldTransform’
…s)\spinestoryboard(default)\spinestoryboard\play.lua:153: in function <…s)\spinestoryboard(default)\spinestoryboard\play.lua:142>
?: in function <?:218>

setFillColor gets called in the end of the skeleton:updateWorldTransform() function.

If you have added a call to this in a function that is a runtimeListener on enter frame you will need to remove the listener when exiting the scene.

It works I added

Runtime:removeEventListener(“enterFrame”,updateAnimation) in the exitscene,

now, I can move in the menu and go to different options

I have three menus  play options credits

when I click play , I can see the animation 

I click options, I can see the options

I click credits I see the credits

but when I click play again I get this message

…efault)\spinestoryboard\spine-lua\AnimationState.lua:56: attempt to compare number with nil


stack traceback:

    ?: in function <?:218>

    [C]: ?

    …efault)\spinestoryboard\spine-lua\AnimationState.lua:56: in function ‘setAnimationInternal’

    …efault)\spinestoryboard\spine-lua\AnimationState.lua:129: in function ‘setAnimation’

    …s)\spinestoryboard(default)\spinestoryboard\play.lua:126: in function <…s)\spinestoryboard(default)\spinestoryboard\play.lua:88>

    ?: in function ‘dispatchEvent’

    ?: in function ‘gotoScene’

    …s)\spinestoryboard(default)\spinestoryboard\menu.lua:38: in function <…s)\spinestoryboard(default)\spinestoryboard\menu.lua:36>

    ?: in function <?:218>

Looks like the defaultMix value gets returned as nil. This might be because there is a little error in AnimationsStateData.lua where the variable defaultMix is returned instead of self.defaultMix in the getMix function when a mix value has not been defined specifically.

Now it works , I put in the exit scene ,

remove and purge scene, but in the log simulator I have this message







setFillColor gets called in the end of the skeleton:updateWorldTransform() function.

If you have added a call to this in a function that is a runtimeListener on enter frame you will need to remove the listener when exiting the scene.

It works I added

Runtime:removeEventListener(“enterFrame”,updateAnimation) in the exitscene,

now, I can move in the menu and go to different options

I have three menus  play options credits

when I click play , I can see the animation 

I click options, I can see the options

I click credits I see the credits

but when I click play again I get this message

…efault)\spinestoryboard\spine-lua\AnimationState.lua:56: attempt to compare number with nil


stack traceback:

    ?: in function <?:218>

    [C]: ?

    …efault)\spinestoryboard\spine-lua\AnimationState.lua:56: in function ‘setAnimationInternal’

    …efault)\spinestoryboard\spine-lua\AnimationState.lua:129: in function ‘setAnimation’

    …s)\spinestoryboard(default)\spinestoryboard\play.lua:126: in function <…s)\spinestoryboard(default)\spinestoryboard\play.lua:88>

    ?: in function ‘dispatchEvent’

    ?: in function ‘gotoScene’

    …s)\spinestoryboard(default)\spinestoryboard\menu.lua:38: in function <…s)\spinestoryboard(default)\spinestoryboard\menu.lua:36>

    ?: in function <?:218>

Looks like the defaultMix value gets returned as nil. This might be because there is a little error in AnimationsStateData.lua where the variable defaultMix is returned instead of self.defaultMix in the getMix function when a mix value has not been defined specifically.

Now it works , I put in the exit scene ,

remove and purge scene, but in the log simulator I have this message





