IT WORKS!!! I forgot to start a campaign! The ad showed on my device AND on the simulator (windows machine) The ads look fantastic.i did not have to upload a new frame for some reason. i just selected both portrait and landscape (and set the default to landscape) I need to do more test on that point but maybe the difference is ios versus android?
The only things i need to figure out are:
1- How to integrate into my upcoming app (using storyboard) I will assume most code above will go into my main.lua and then use show_ad() on any module when needed
2- Why the dashboard not showing any $$ even so i downloaded and run an app. Delay?, test mode? my app not being on the app store yet?
3- Figure out if I need to actually sign the W-9 and physically send it to Chartboost? I hope not Maybe simply scanning my signature and send the form by email…
Other than that I am ready to go:) THANK YOU so much for the tutorial above. It really helped. I hope more people could try this plugin (very easy!) so we can get more experience with it. I am going to use it with Revmob (when Revmob has low $$ ads or did not load for some reason)
Cheers guys!