Chartboost Interstitial Ad not caching; "no ad revieved" error

Hey there Corona Community!

I have just implemented chartboost ads into my app.  I have also correctly set-up my chartboost dashboard.  I am receiving an error in my console.log that says “no ad received”, when trying to display the interstitial ad.  I am caching the ad correctly when I enter my first “game.lua” scene.  I also am printing to the console.log the status of caching the interstitial ad.  Up until I get to where I actually show the ad, it says that the ad isn’t cached :frowning:

 I have no idea why the ad isn’t caching because it is exactly copied and pasted from the github section where it explains how to cache an interstitial ad! 

Any suggestions on what could be causing the ad not to cache?  All help is appreciated!  Thanks!

-Max Goldberg