ChartBoost updated documentation


Is there any updated documentation I can find in order to implement ChartBoost on my own apps?

David/Brent published last weekend ChartBoost is now open for every license type and I’d like to use it on my own app.

I gathered sample from GitHub and it works with the sample proposed. Once I’d liked to include on my own app, there are issues I can’t resolve and no ads was cached on show() and moreapps().

Can any member from swipe help me on that topic?


The documentation for the Chartboost plugin can be found here:

If the sample app works I’d recommend looking at the sample code closely and comparing it with your own code to make sure you haven’t missed some steps.

The documentation for the Chartboost plugin can be found here:

If the sample app works I’d recommend looking at the sample code closely and comparing it with your own code to make sure you haven’t missed some steps.