Confused by dashboard, events, metrics


I’ve just started looking into Game Analytics and I got a bit confused on how we send the data and see it on dashboard.

Let’s say, I want to keep track of the game time as playerTime (or some other custom name) that all users have played to share statistics with people like “a total of 2500 minutes have been played so far”. How am I supposed to send that data?

Also, a brief information on how to use the dashboard to look at that data would be great :slight_smile:

I’m a little lost here so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there,

All the documentation for the legacy Corona SDK can be found here. For tracking playerTime you can simply send us a custom design event in which you attach the time played in seconds.

Use this method:

GA.newEvent ( “design”, { event_id="", value=0, area="" } )

For calculating the time all your users played in minutes open the Explore Tool, look for the “Session length distribution” metric and simply add up all the session lengths since launch. If you would like this metric to be calculated automatically please engage the problem in a similar manner as explained in the beginning.

All the new docs about GA can be found here. If you still need assistance please forward a request to our friendly support team at

Thank you Cristian for the answer.

By the way, when do you think the updated SDK will go live for Corona?

We hope to update this SDK in Q4 yet there is no official ETA. I will leave here a link to our SDK FAQ article:

Hi there,

All the documentation for the legacy Corona SDK can be found here. For tracking playerTime you can simply send us a custom design event in which you attach the time played in seconds.

Use this method:

GA.newEvent ( “design”, { event_id="", value=0, area="" } )

For calculating the time all your users played in minutes open the Explore Tool, look for the “Session length distribution” metric and simply add up all the session lengths since launch. If you would like this metric to be calculated automatically please engage the problem in a similar manner as explained in the beginning.

All the new docs about GA can be found here. If you still need assistance please forward a request to our friendly support team at

Thank you Cristian for the answer.

By the way, when do you think the updated SDK will go live for Corona?

We hope to update this SDK in Q4 yet there is no official ETA. I will leave here a link to our SDK FAQ article: