I realize Corona Ads are now gone. Can I still see the dashboard/revenue data?
I realize Corona Ads are now gone. Can I still see the dashboard/revenue data?
You can login to your dashboard and still see revenue data. We would shut down completely by end of march.
Paranjay Menaria
There are no active links to the dashboard - although you can still see the data at Can find dashboard at https://monetize.coronalabs.com/corona-dash/
Given that @RobMiracle stated in https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/67013-announcement-new-corona-professional-bundle-retiring-corona-ads/page-3
“Re: Payouts: Corona Ads will continue to payout as normal until March 31, 2017. It’s important that you update as soon as possible to another provider so that your existing app customers can have time to update their apps.”
I’m curious to know what will happen to funds after that date. My last recorded impression data is from 31st January which according to your terms will be eligible for draw down at the end of April - so where does that leave me?
My Corona ad’s went live about a week prior to the announcement and whilst I moved quickly to get my app updated and moved over before the cutoff date I’m still owed over $330 which I won’t be able to draw down until past that date due to the net 90 payment agreement. Does this mean I’ll loose ALL the ad revenue I accrued using Corona Ad’s?
You can login to your dashboard and still see revenue data. We would shut down completely by end of march.
Paranjay Menaria
There are no active links to the dashboard - although you can still see the data at Can find dashboard at https://monetize.coronalabs.com/corona-dash/
Given that @RobMiracle stated in https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/67013-announcement-new-corona-professional-bundle-retiring-corona-ads/page-3
“Re: Payouts: Corona Ads will continue to payout as normal until March 31, 2017. It’s important that you update as soon as possible to another provider so that your existing app customers can have time to update their apps.”
I’m curious to know what will happen to funds after that date. My last recorded impression data is from 31st January which according to your terms will be eligible for draw down at the end of April - so where does that leave me?
My Corona ad’s went live about a week prior to the announcement and whilst I moved quickly to get my app updated and moved over before the cutoff date I’m still owed over $330 which I won’t be able to draw down until past that date due to the net 90 payment agreement. Does this mean I’ll loose ALL the ad revenue I accrued using Corona Ad’s?