Corona Chartboost Plugin Customization

I am trying to use the corona ads chartboost plugin for rewarded ads. However, when a rewarded ad runs it prompts the user with some generic “Earn 1 coins” screen that I dont want to show. Is there ways to customize the behavior of these chartboost ads i.e. remove this prompt?

Please don’t say email 

I have the same question.

And i tried to write to “”, but message returned with error “The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.”  :frowning:

Do you have a chance to open the Chartboost interface within Corona website? I haven’t used the new plugin without registering on Chartboost website so I don’t know how it works but you should know that customization is available on Chartboost interface when you login with your Chartboost developer account.

Hi guys,

All modifications to the Chartboost setup must be sent via email to Corona Labs.

If the email mentioned above fails please try sending your requests to


As mentioned by Rob below, is working now.

The is now working.

As is


@Rob, I just sent this email to Corona today - no response. Can you help?

Hi Corona Labs Chartboost Support,

Please remove the “Watch for 1 Coins?” and Earn Coins button from my Apps ASAP. We have already released our new App in New Zealand for Android, and we are currently in review at Apple.

Please give them some time to make the adjustment. I don’t have access to make these changes.

UPDATE: I had not read my email yet. Looks like this was completed.



I have the same question.

And i tried to write to “”, but message returned with error “The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.”  :frowning:

Do you have a chance to open the Chartboost interface within Corona website? I haven’t used the new plugin without registering on Chartboost website so I don’t know how it works but you should know that customization is available on Chartboost interface when you login with your Chartboost developer account.

Hi guys,

All modifications to the Chartboost setup must be sent via email to Corona Labs.

If the email mentioned above fails please try sending your requests to


As mentioned by Rob below, is working now.

The is now working.

As is


@Rob, I just sent this email to Corona today - no response. Can you help?

Hi Corona Labs Chartboost Support,

Please remove the “Watch for 1 Coins?” and Earn Coins button from my Apps ASAP. We have already released our new App in New Zealand for Android, and we are currently in review at Apple.

Please give them some time to make the adjustment. I don’t have access to make these changes.

UPDATE: I had not read my email yet. Looks like this was completed.

