Hi David,
its sad to read your post. really sad. Not just because corona Cloud goes down,
muchover, that is shows the 'Miss-Management", Wasting Time at the wrong Projects.
Its hard to hear I know also for you. But maybe now its the best Time to talk about.
Corona was from the Beginning for the majority of Users I guess the best and greatest alternative over to code their application twice, once for Android and once for iOS.
Yeah, now there was a Framework, easy to use and simple to create one time a code and spread the app on the major two platforms.
Seems that came forgot even quiet early!
Soon after Corona was in the Market, I was reading statments from the Management showing more effort in the Direction to come the coolest language to create “Games”.
With a lot of super soft and easy APIS for Beginners.
NICE, we are all very happy when things are easy, but its not so that we all can not program. Several Calls (that have to be maintained by you also) can be done by some extra work for whom who does need them. And some other APIs are there and just not working (like the - GetTunerVolume-) while many Users complain about (for YEARS!) its not working, it was ignored and simply continued in the same old ‘ignorant’ manner.
To come back to the BEGINNING !
Corona is a great MULTI-FRAMEWORK. and here its about -MULTI !!!-
keep the API Calls less, but working !!!
offer them running on MULTI - Devices like OSX, Windows …
especially Point 2. MULTi is so important.
Because over Time, Corona will be “bought” from Users with Money.
And without Money Corona can not exist as a profitable Company.
And Users only can purchase if they have money themselves.
So you base your business on professional Programmers who need to earn Money and not just the Hobby GameDevelopers.
Finally that leads to the point you have to offer that Users options to earn money.
And also that was ignored long time!! (unbelievable) with just 1-2 Adnetworks.
Last not least, OSX has a BUILD IN -STORE- Programmers can make money.
But also that is not ignored but not priorised from the Corona Management.
Even you showed YEARS ago you could do a OSX Framework.
But instead you played around with Corona Cloud and invested time in other projects that either do not work or do not make sense.
Sorry to say all that. But I have. I love Corona, Its an amazing platform.
Unity is also amazing but not such easy to work with. But if not soon something significant happens in change of the ‘ignorant’ management, there has to come an alternative to Corona.
Therefore I call to see all that what happend as the PAST and focus on the Future.
To bring Corona back and also forward to what it was meant to be
A MULTIPLATOFRM FRAMEWORK easy to work with and with all the help and focus from the Management to earn Money with.
I hope this Call is heard.
Yours Chris (with Corona from the very beginning !)