Fortunately I’ve not used Corona Cloud in any of my apps, so I’m not affected by this.
However, as many other said, I think the main issue is that the time allocated on creating the cloud could have been used on other, more vital aspects of the SDK.
It’s a lost opportunity and a sign of minmanagement… I mean, it was not just an “experiment”, I presumed you had a detailed plan, you acquired Gameminion as a start, you built and adapted the cloud service, planned how to monetize it, and launched it. Evidently in one of those steps, something went terribly wrong.
I’m happy to read Walter saying now you’re focusing more on the SDK itself.
That’s great, and really hope it’s the way to push Corona forward…
But I can’t say I’m not worried about the future of Corona SDK; it’s not the first time you’re focusing and then cancel features not really important, then there are some basic API not working properly from years and not yet fixed, new features occasionally shown as “coming soon” and then MIA or cancelled (BTW, I’m really looking forward for the new graphic engine… coming soon?), a feedback page largely ignored (minor features like adding a native ios facebook popup could be done in a few hours), promises of allowing pro users to run obj c code, and so on… point is, when you have many apps created with a SDK that compile and build on a remote server you’re definitely very worried about the future of the SDK.
I love Corona, it’s great and I’m planning to keep using it it for my new apps, but I’m also trying to learn Obj C because I’m worried and it’s better to have a backup plan.
Finally, I still believe that focusing on the plugin market and giving the ability to Pro User to build plugins (or allowing us to run custom obj c code) could make Corona much, much more flexible and competitive. Really hope you’re considering something like this.