Corona Editor "Coronium" edition testers needed

I’ve been hacking away on feature additions for the Corona Editor which was announced recently. The hope is to eventually get this merged in with the official branch.  I did ask if I could have users test this version and was given the affirmative.  So here goes…

Corona Editor “Coronium” edition


  • Auto-complete retooled from the ground up for the fastest possible type-through.
  • Integrated package system for downloadable project templates and libraries.
  • “New Project” feature creates a Corona project stub directly in Sublime Text.
  • Dedicated menu with quick access to common functionality and code blocks.
  • Key strokes for common items like images, text, etc.
  • “Magic” actions for event listeners and quick local assignment.
  • Enhanced code blocks for event listeners and timers.

Watch a (very quiet) screencast of it in action here.


You can read more about the project and how to download and install by clicking here.

Looking forward to feedback and suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

Wow. A lot of interesting features. If it supports table objects I’m in.

Hi richard9,

Are you referring to things like:




If so then the answer is yes, and I would be thrilled if you could try it out.


Hey develephant,

No, I meant stuff like theHero.bigSword. The main branch doesn’t support nesting objects in tables so all of the autocomplete stuff is relatively useless.

Ex: theHero:setReference (triggers autocomplete for setReferencePoint() )
theHero.arm:setReference (…does not)

Like so?

If you have Daily 2013.1240 or better it now supports the simulator output directly in Sublime Text 3.

It’s been integrated into the “Coronium” build if you want to check it out.  Also, no multiple window spawns on OS X either.  You do have to open the Corona Simulator first though.

Very cool addition.


Perfect, your autocomplete works much better. It also got me to install ST3 so a win all around. (Can I ask which skin package you’re using though? My monitor bleeds the heck out of red so I can’t use the ST default…)

That being said, I’m currently using 2013.1241 and Coronium and there is no console. I just get the “Finished in 0.0s” window. (I wish there was a hotkey for the simulator output window; I have only ever seen the ST3 console in the View menu, which is of course only useful for package control, not for app building. Sucks having to close Corona and rebuild to refetch the window)

I’ll give it a try with my actual apps in development once the console part gets sorted.

Those are some nice features.  Are the auto-created templates like for storyboard, or the new project config.lua configurable?

@Rob: Currently no, but that’s a great idea and I can work that in.

@richard9: Do you mind if I ask what OS you’re running?

Thanks for the feedback.

OSX Mavericks.

You might to try the official 0.8.8 that was posted this evening.  I’m curious if it works with that build.


Simulator output does indeed work with Official 0.8.8. It’s the super verbose type - shows 2013-10-23 21:39:35.893 Corona Simulator[1976:507] on every line - but it works.

Unfortunately the autocomplete is still busted. So not only does the first example I gave not work, but if you went on…

ie: theHero.arm:setReferencePoint(display.CenterReferencePoint) – there is no autocomplete on this at all past theHero. 

It’s exhausting to type out, quite frankly, so I’ll wait and see how Coronium comes along. Neither package is quite usable yet, but it’s almost there!

Appreciate you testing and your feedback richard9.  I’m sure it will all be worked out eventually.


Build fix is integrated in the latest “Coronuim” download for those trying it out.  Daily build 1240 or better.

Yep, just tried it and the console works.

I noticed none of the anchor points are autocomplete though - they can be learned but aren’t there by default. Is this because you were building towards the new graphics engine?

Wow… I should really check corona forums more often. Nice project, keep it up. I’m gonna try this out :slight_smile:

No updates?

Wow. A lot of interesting features. If it supports table objects I’m in.

Hi richard9,

Are you referring to things like:




If so then the answer is yes, and I would be thrilled if you could try it out.


Hey develephant,

No, I meant stuff like theHero.bigSword. The main branch doesn’t support nesting objects in tables so all of the autocomplete stuff is relatively useless.

Ex: theHero:setReference (triggers autocomplete for setReferencePoint() )
theHero.arm:setReference (…does not)