Corona + Spine On Android Device Error


i have some problem

For the last month i am studyyding corona with all it’s plugins and how it works. (Kwik 2, texture packer, audiacity and the latest - Spine). But i am still a novice in MOb App development

So i build some test apps with some animations and test them in corona simulator and telephone. (my phone is samsung gt-l9100 with android 4.1.2) everything seemed ok. After i added Spine code it also worked good in simulator but does not work completly in telephone. So i just made a new blank project in corona and took plain spine runtime for Corona, lua ( and copied them into the project folder over the old files. Again in simulator its is all ok but in my phone it is not. I also tried another android telephone and another android version.

i build apps in windows.

Error message i receive in phone is : This application encountered a Lua error (see logs) or has been corrupted.

So any ideas what might wrong or where to look for mistakes.

This is my main lua file data:

local spine = require “spine.spine”

– Using your own attachment loader is optional. It can customizes the path where images are
– loaded. To load from a texture atlas, use an image sheet. It also creates instances of
– all attachments, which can be used for customization.
local attachmentLoader =
function attachmentLoader:createImage (attachment)
    return display.newImage(“data/” … … “.png”)

local json =
json.scale = 1
local skeletonData = json:readSkeletonDataFile(“data/spineboy.json”)
local walkAnimation = skeletonData:findAnimation(“walk”)

– Optional second parameter can be the group for the Skeleton to use. Eg, could be an image group.
local skeleton =
skeleton.x = 150
skeleton.y = 325
skeleton.flipX = false
skeleton.flipY = false
skeleton.debug = true – Omit or set to false to not draw debug lines on top of the images.

local lastTime = 0
local animationTime = 0
Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, function (event)
    – Compute time in seconds since last frame.
    local currentTime = event.time / 1000
    local delta = currentTime - lastTime
    lastTime = currentTime

    – Accumulate time and pose skeleton using animation.
    animationTime = animationTime + delta
    walkAnimation:apply(skeleton, animationTime, true)

Hi, sorry I don’t usually check these forums. I’m very active on the Spine forums though.

Do you get any error message in the logs?


After many tries i somehow managed to solve it. but i still have no idea what was wrong or how i did it. i also conected debuger to android device but didnt saw anything there.

anyway now it works perfectly.

case is closed

Hi, sorry I don’t usually check these forums. I’m very active on the Spine forums though.

Do you get any error message in the logs?


After many tries i somehow managed to solve it. but i still have no idea what was wrong or how i did it. i also conected debuger to android device but didnt saw anything there.

anyway now it works perfectly.

case is closed