CoronaAds Uncertainties


There are a few things about CoronaAds that I don’t understand.

  1. I set up the app, the ads are “live”, I have requests, but zero impressions. It just prints: plc ID = No FILL

  2. I asked the support why I shouldn’t just use the FacebookAudienceNetwork, because the ads seem to come from there anyway. The support told me: “You will get a better rev share with Corona Ads (88/12) instead of 70/30 with FAN.” But in the docs, it says that FAN has a rev share of only 5%, not 12 or even 30?

  3. Implementing CoronaAds results in being asked for the location, I don’t want this for the users. The support told me that this could be turned off soon, but I didn’t see it yet?

4) NSAllowsArbitraryLoads is supposed to be true for implementing ads, however in the docs, it states that it shouldn’t be turned on at all.

I appreciate any help!

Best, Philipp

I can answer a couple of these, I’ll need to get more information for the rest.

  1. It can take up to 24 hours before fill rates starts going up. How long have you been waiting?

  2. The FAN plugin is one where we take 5% of the ad impressions as our share. The rest I will have to get information on.

  3. You will need to continue to work with  Support on this.

  4. NSAllowsArbitraryLoads is a tricky thing. Apple doesn’t want you to do it. It basically undoes the https:// requirement and your app can make unencrypted http:// calls unabated. Apple would prefer you to white list specific websites that still require being accessed via http:// instead of https:// instead of everything. Corona Labs agrees you should build apps that follow good security protocols. But when it comes to advertising plugins, the plugin could connect to multiple sites that can change over time. There is no way to predict if it’s going to use https:// or http://. For these to function, you have to enable the arbitrary loading of http://.  Apple won’t fail you for this. It’s just the nature of advertising plugins.

I’ll see what I can find out regarding #2.


Thanks Rob for the quick reply!

I uploaded the app 4 or 5 days ago, but filled in the App ID yesterday, I don’t know if this might be the reason. I will wait for another 24 hours, maybe it will solve itself then.

What is the CoronaAds rev share percentage?

I still get no banner ads. It prints out a link (…) that states: {“status”:“fail”,“message”:“Device-Info header is missing”,“data”:null}

@philipp3, you will need to contact help AT and ask them to investigate. Something may not be setup correctly.

Corona Ads, like other ad services are based on eCPM. You can compare your Corona Ads eCPM with other providers to find the plugin that gives you the best value and fill rates. We hope Corona Ads will be competitive in both. Keep in mind Corona Ads are designed to be simple to use. For example, there is relatively more setup involved to get the Facebook Audience Network (FAN) plugin working and tested and that adds to the value.

While we are currently using FAN as a demand source, we have many exciting DSP’s we are getting ready to announce which will give you more fill with better eCPM.

I contacted the support and tried to make it work myself, but still no solution. It just doesn’t load the FAN ads. I have spent more time on making the ads work than on the app itself. Can you tell when other providers are expected to show ads?

What do you mean “when other providers are expected to show ads?”  If you’re talking about us adding other on-demand providers, I’ll have to see if I can find the answer, Did you work with the support desk (ads AT and was unable to get to a resolution or did you contact them and they have not gotten back with you yet?


I asked them for help before I opened this thread, they told me to try a few things, and a few days ago, I sent them the app, but no response yet. I will post what they told me when they answer.

The support used my code to build the app again on their side and they see ads. I have location service and ad-tracking enabled and still don’t see ads, so I give up and use AdMob.

I know they are working on improving fill rates. It never hurts to have a backup ad provider since they all have the potential at times to not have inventory for you. You can detect in your ad listener function if you got the no-fill message (or any other error) and if that’s the case, you call your second ad provider and hopefully they have ads to deliver.


I wanted to do this initially, but I don’t want to ask the user for the location. And when I turn the location services off, Corona Ads don’t return an error, or at least I don’t know where they return that error. Also, I am not sure if the ads appear where I want to have them if I don’t acutally see them at least once.

When you initialize CoronaAds (like any other ad provider), you are supposed to provide a listener function that gets called during ad events. You can use those events to determine what to do next or detect if  you got an ad or not.

At a minimum while trying to debug this you should do:

local json = require( "json" ) local function coronaAdsListener( event )     print( json.prettify( event ) end coronaAds.init( "your api key here", coronaAdsListener )

in your main.lua. Then you need to look at the device’s console log. If you’re using Corona SDK to install the app to your device after it finishes building, those messages will appear in the Corona SDK console log assuming you didn’t click away the dialog box that directs the console back to the simulator.

If not you will need to use adb logcat on Android (or monitor ) from the command line or Xcode’s Device’s window for iOS.

Look at see what’s going on.

It doesn’t want to return anything to the adsListener function when I disable the location services:

Jun 24 17:22:53 &nbsp;\<Warning\>: -[CoronaServer2Server startSession:withCallback:] [Line 187] I am working on some thing awesome Jun 24 17:22:53 &nbsp;\<Notice\>: Dropping -requestWhenInUseAuthorization from 'de.kamibox.mouth': NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription Info.plist key not available? Jun 24 17:22:53 &nbsp;\<Notice\>: ERROR: de.kamibox.mouth is depending on legacy on-demand authorization, which is not supported for new apps

Do you have a ticket in with the ads AT address?

Not yet, but I just got one and a developer is taking a deeper look into this.

I can answer a couple of these, I’ll need to get more information for the rest.

  1. It can take up to 24 hours before fill rates starts going up. How long have you been waiting?

  2. The FAN plugin is one where we take 5% of the ad impressions as our share. The rest I will have to get information on.

  3. You will need to continue to work with  Support on this.

  4. NSAllowsArbitraryLoads is a tricky thing. Apple doesn’t want you to do it. It basically undoes the https:// requirement and your app can make unencrypted http:// calls unabated. Apple would prefer you to white list specific websites that still require being accessed via http:// instead of https:// instead of everything. Corona Labs agrees you should build apps that follow good security protocols. But when it comes to advertising plugins, the plugin could connect to multiple sites that can change over time. There is no way to predict if it’s going to use https:// or http://. For these to function, you have to enable the arbitrary loading of http://.  Apple won’t fail you for this. It’s just the nature of advertising plugins.

I’ll see what I can find out regarding #2.


Thanks Rob for the quick reply!

I uploaded the app 4 or 5 days ago, but filled in the App ID yesterday, I don’t know if this might be the reason. I will wait for another 24 hours, maybe it will solve itself then.

What is the CoronaAds rev share percentage?