Dealing with No Internet Connection

I use the sendTag function on my app but I noticed that I am not able to get any return from that function (example: if the server receive the tags and everything was ok).

One major problem with that is when the user lost its internet connection. The SendTag does not give me any warning and I noticed that the tag is not locally saved to be sent when the internet comes back.

Am I right? Is there any way to get some feedback from the server?

We account for sendTag/sendTags calls by keeping the values until the first time the users registers with OneSignal. Example you call sendTag right after init that tags are still created on the first run without have to worry about order. However we do not keep track of sendTags that are not sent due to connection issues. We plan on adding smart retrying of tags in the future to our SDK.

If you have tags that are critical to your app you can use our PUT player REST API call with Lua code to handle network failures until we add smart retrying to our SDK.


Thanks for the info jkasten.

If I may, if you guys simply add a optional listener function (that would have a standard .isError, .errorMessage) that would be sufficient (and I believe simpler than smart retries).

I will use the REST API for now.

It would be great if you can add a listener that just lets you know if there was an error or not, as was mentioned above.

I would save a lot of hassle implementing with the REST API, when you have such a good plugin already.

We account for sendTag/sendTags calls by keeping the values until the first time the users registers with OneSignal. Example you call sendTag right after init that tags are still created on the first run without have to worry about order. However we do not keep track of sendTags that are not sent due to connection issues. We plan on adding smart retrying of tags in the future to our SDK.

If you have tags that are critical to your app you can use our PUT player REST API call with Lua code to handle network failures until we add smart retrying to our SDK.


Thanks for the info jkasten.

If I may, if you guys simply add a optional listener function (that would have a standard .isError, .errorMessage) that would be sufficient (and I believe simpler than smart retries).

I will use the REST API for now.

It would be great if you can add a listener that just lets you know if there was an error or not, as was mentioned above.

I would save a lot of hassle implementing with the REST API, when you have such a good plugin already.