Docs to Game Analytics missing and a suggestion

My coworker has come across that the documentation for game analytics and all instances on the api docs are gone.  I haven’t came across any daily builds that address the removal.

This may be a suggestion but maybe in the daily logs or some place have a changelog with a timestamp when corona no longer supports or indicates that the plugin hasn’t been updated and/or a long period of time.  This happened with chartboost, and while that was a 3rd party plugin, the documentation was removed without a clear indicator (without going into actual commits in git) to see what was changed in the docs…  I doubt other people would go that far to see where what happened to the documentation. 

Still missing? Or does the GameAnalytics not exist anymore? 

I have a customer who wants to use AppsFlyer. And the GA website states it is working with AppsFlyer, so it would be nice if the docs gets back online.

Thank you


Sorry, just found this post:

So the plugin does not exist anymore :frowning:

cool, thank you!