Does Solar2D still work with Spine?

Is Spine still working with Solar2D?

Yes it is, what version(spine and runtime-spine) do you use?

Thank you for the prompt response.

I haven’t started using Spine yet, but I’ve heard it’s great for 2D animation. Are there limits to the spine that works with Solar2D? And does it work with the latest build?

Just tested the sample provided by torbenratzlaff with build 3673. no mesh supported but it still works fine!

Edit: tested few other samples with mesh transform animations, it look like the runtime provided by torbenratzlaff already supported mesh transform.

@torbenratzlaff you’re awesome! thanks a lot !

There’s been some changes on Spine side as well. It seems that after 4.0, Spine is no longer maintaining their Lua runtimes. As such, you can’t find them on their most recent GitHub branches anymore:

Solar2D Spine 4.0 runtime, however, can be found here:

There’s a further mesh related improvement by @depilz in 4.0 as well, if I’m not mistaken?

Given Spine’s usefulness and Esoteric Software discontinuing first party support for Lua runtimes, what do you think @vlads, wouldn’t it be appropriate to fork Spine’s 4.0 Solar2D runtime over to Solar2D’s GitHub and maybe even integrate it officially into Solar2D as a plugin with docs and a simple demo? I guess integrating Spine to Solar2D through their C++ runtime would be the best in terms of performance (and future first party development), but integrating their Lua runtime would be significantly easier and quicker.

Edit: I guess, given that it’s a premium software with limited number of Solar2D users, adopting the quick and easy Lua runtime route would be the ideal solution.


This is definitely something to look into. ideally integrated as a plugin. May be new native apis may be required, but that’s fine.



I have tried these Spine projects with no luck. did not seem to have any Solar folders so we’ll ignore that.

The other 2 had errors which I don’t know how to fix.
It looks like the “spine.lua” file cannot find “spine-lua.utils”.

So, I guess i need to add the “spine-lua” folder to the search path.
I have attached the error logs. Please help me get this to work.

You need add both (spine-solar2d and spine-lua) in your project.

thanks :slight_smile:
can you please explain how to do that?
“spine-solar2d” has a main.lua file in it but “spine-lua” has not.
I think “spine-solar2d” is an example project.

Yes, it’s template project, but you need add spine-lua folder into this project. Spine-Solar2d work base by it.

thanks for that.
i had some progress.
but now i have a new error.
can you please help with it :slight_smile:
thank you again!

Hmmm, I just run test, it’s work fine.

My test project (

Has a spine-lua folder into spine-lua folder, you need to move it out.

Thanks a bunch Kan98 :slight_smile:
It still doesn’t work :frowning:
I download the zip from GitHub - EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes at 4.0
Then unzipped it.
Then copy the nested “spine-lua” folder into the “spine-solar2d” folder.
Then I try to open the project and just get the dialog i posted.
Am i missing a step or something? (2.7 MB)
You try it.

thank you so much - but i get this error dialog:


I guess I must be missing some setup thing.

Are you sure you are using the latest version of Solar2D?

thanks heaps.
Just upgraded and it works fine.

Yeah, I remember mesh update was added in some previous version, to increase the performance of spine.

If I look for Spine and Solar2D this thread is always the top entry on google.

So as an update, I made a plugin that runs Spine 4.2 using the C++ Runtime. You can see the documentation here: Welcome to the Solar2D’s Spine Documentation! — Spine plugin for Solar2D documentation.

Or follow the plugin thread here: New native Spine 4.2 plugin - #13 by depilz.

At the moment of writing this the plugin is very stable, but still needs a few more tweaks which are coming soon.