Does the Facebook Audience Network plugin work anymore?

Hi Rob or others,

I can’t seem to get the Facebook Audience Network ad plugin to work. Does it still work?? To keep it simple, I tried the sample code at github:

which the docs say to use, but I follow all the steps, and even after plugging in the device ID, the Facebook network always returns this in the adb:


add the following code before loading an ad: AdSettings.addTestDevice(“144f8963-522a-43d0-83f8-82cff1d21240”);


is the plugin doing that?

since it keeps just giving me a new test ID, it’s as if the plugin isn’t passing it

this is the plugin that demo uses:


    plugins =
        [“plugin.fbAudienceNetwork”] =
            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”


I have all three variables populated in the demo code, I see in the code that if DEVICE_1_HASH_ID is detected it will obtain the device hash, but I’ve populated that variable and facebook just keeps returning the same thing as if

AdSettings.addTestDevice(“144f8963-522a-43d0-83f8-82cff1d21240”); wasn’t called

I can send you the IDs I use (or even the entire main.lua from that github demo with my variables plugged in) if that helps. I have ad placements and all already set up in the Facebook Monetization pages

please help

This is the adb output when I run this adb command:

adb logcat AdInternalSettings:v *:s

and after opening the app several times I get this: (every time it just says call the addtestdevice before loading an ad, which I’m not sure if the plugin is doing)


C:\Users\jm>adb logcat AdInternalSettings:v *:s
--------- beginning of crash
--------- beginning of main
--------- beginning of system

05-09 13:36:42.376  4748  4748 D AdInternalSettings: Test mode device hash: 144f8963-522a-43d0-83f8-82cff1d21240
05-09 13:36:42.376  4748  4748 D AdInternalSettings: When testing your app with Facebook’s ad units you must specify the device hashed ID to ensure the delivery
 of test ads, add the following code before loading an ad: AdSettings.addTestDevice(“144f8963-522a-43d0-83f8-82cff1d21240”);

05-09 13:42:50.659  8575  8575 D AdInternalSettings: Test mode device hash: e552e8db-cd1f-4267-884f-b02a83f0c65e
05-09 13:42:50.659  8575  8575 D AdInternalSettings: When testing your app with Facebook’s ad units you must specify the device hashed ID to ensure the delivery
 of test ads, add the following code before loading an ad: AdSettings.addTestDevice(“e552e8db-cd1f-4267-884f-b02a83f0c65e”);

05-09 13:48:46.231 12034 12034 D AdInternalSettings: Test mode device hash: e90fcbfd-4daf-4632-9672-2afe0edf3910
05-09 13:48:46.231 12034 12034 D AdInternalSettings: When testing your app with Facebook’s ad units you must specify the device hashed ID to ensure the delivery
 of test ads, add the following code before loading an ad: AdSettings.addTestDevice(“e90fcbfd-4daf-4632-9672-2afe0edf3910”);


am I doing something wrong or that plugin just doesn’t work any more?

I saw postings about FB sometimes changing things that break the plugin, if so, can it be fixed fast?  I don’t have the skills to work on open source code, I only know Lua and some web languages

Thanks so much,


I guess I should have added, I’m using Corona SDK build 2019.3476 on Windows, and building to a Samsung Galaxy S8+ device (Android)


I think the free one stopped working a while ago, but just use Appodeal and your ids. Like this:

['plugin.appodeal.beta.base'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs', supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, android=true } }, ['plugin.appodeal.beta.FacebookAudience'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs', supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, android=true } },

From your pasted log, it looks like it’s giving you a different device ID each time? This shouldn’t happen - if it’s calculating an ID that doesn’t match the ID you’re pasting in from the previous run, it’ll just behave as if you’re not using an authorised test device.

Are you uninstalling the app and then installing the fresh compile, or are you updating to the new compile? Uninstalling could cause the ID to change.

Also make sure you’re pasting that ID into the Facebook developer console test devices section once you’ve got it to settle on a constant value.

Thanks guys for the answers!

Richard11, yes I was uninstalling the app and then installing the fresh compile, I did an update now instead, and the ID settled on one, good thinking.  I didn’t know about the testing section of the Facebook developer console. Thanks for the tip!  I put it in there and now finally got the demo to show Facebook test ads.  I wish the docs or comments mentioned that was needed too, I spent so much time troubleshooting this.

If in the Facebook developer console. I check off "Use real advertiser content - it will show real ads but you won’t collect revenue’, it still shows only facebook test ads. Also if I use the request debugger tab, it doesn’t detect any of my requests. It just keeps saying ‘waiting for requests’.  Are those bad signs?

agramonte mentioned that the free version may have stopped working. Does anyone know if that’s still the case or has it been fixed?

I had tried appodeal a while back and it would show maybe 4 banners, then no more fills. Also my app is close to the 100mb android cap, the appodeal plugin pushes me over it

thanks again everyone

I implemented this a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t get the ‘real’ test ads to work either, just the sample page. I also couldn’t get the console to detect that the SDK was implemented. Once pushed live though, it just works.

Make sure you’re using the v2 plugin. The docs are a bit old I think and references the older version. Syntax is pretty much the same but more minimalist.

Thanks so much for the helpful tips.  I’m using this in the build.settings:


    plugins =
        [“plugin.fbAudienceNetwork”] =
            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”


Is that the only way to tell what version of the plugin I’m using?  Would the above be the correct way to call in the v2 plugin you mentioned?

Thanks again, I really appreciate it

Sorry, yes, that’s correct - there isn’t a v2 after all. Getting myself mixed up with the gpgs plugin that needs to be v2 I think.

It works fine except somebody had an issue when it switches over to the Corona ids. I tried to look for it but couldn’t find the thread. That person ended up just buying the paid version (which is not a bad idea and not too much money).


Thank you both for your replies. This was so helpful, I appreciate it

By the way, have you both found decent income with the Facebook Ad Network? (meaning relative to the other ad networks)  I’ve used AdMob and the fill rates were great at the time, I’m wondering if (and hoping) FB is comparable in your experience?

Mine has only been showing ads since April 29th, and doesn’t actually show many ads at all because a: the game doesn’t currently have much exposure, and b: the ads only show between levels which are actually quite difficult to progress through.

Current stats: 276 requests, 162 filled, 72 impressions, 1 click, $0.35 eCPM, $0 earned.

Not amazingly impressive just yet, ha.

this is what one of my apps looks like for one day. the fill rate isn’t great but I get decent eCPM (or at least I think so).

Should have said “for the day so far” not sure when it flips over. 3:00AM EST?

Your fill rate is awful!

I’m getting about double the eCPMs on AdMob. Your mileage may vary.

Well @SGS we have had this conversation before. Remember most of my users are in LATAM, I suspect that your users are in higher eCPMs places. I can show you my AdMob eCPMs again for LATAM and they are about half of what Facebook is giving me. And yes my fill rate is terrible. In some of these countries the apps are basically free because I get 0% fill rate.

Here is Admob for me. Mostly in LATAM:

Ah we have but I don’t get why your fill is so low.  I get a fill rate of 97% in Brazil, etc

Have you considered implementing a waterfall or mediation? 

For you FAN is way above AdMob for sure!

So show FAN and if no fill waterfall to AdMob or another network?

Are you posting daily, weekly or monthly stats? As I have heard that FAN only works after a certain amount (i.e. tens of

thousands) of daily impressions.

@sgs Thank you sir. I look into it. I think I have some sort of waterfall with that app. 

I guess I should have added, I’m using Corona SDK build 2019.3476 on Windows, and building to a Samsung Galaxy S8+ device (Android)


I think the free one stopped working a while ago, but just use Appodeal and your ids. Like this:

['plugin.appodeal.beta.base'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs', supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, android=true } }, ['plugin.appodeal.beta.FacebookAudience'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs', supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, android=true } },

From your pasted log, it looks like it’s giving you a different device ID each time? This shouldn’t happen - if it’s calculating an ID that doesn’t match the ID you’re pasting in from the previous run, it’ll just behave as if you’re not using an authorised test device.

Are you uninstalling the app and then installing the fresh compile, or are you updating to the new compile? Uninstalling could cause the ID to change.

Also make sure you’re pasting that ID into the Facebook developer console test devices section once you’ve got it to settle on a constant value.