" Download Plugins" is not working on Xcode

Hi Guys,
need your help, I worked with Corona (Native) for long time, and now for first time try to update one of my game using Solar2d.

I’ve plugins setup in build.settings like this (build 3611):

    ["plugin.utf8"] =
        publisherId = "com.coronalabs"

but when try to download them using “Download Plugins” scheme in Xcode, I got this error,

ERROR: plugin could not be validated: plugin.utf8 (com.coronalabs)
ERROR: Activate plugin at: https://marketplace.coronalabs.com/plugin/com.coronalabs/plugin.utf8

when I access above link (old corona market place), I see the plugin is actually activated, but offcourse with “old” account I had long time, actually how is the connection is made to that account when I build from Xcode? (previously there was some login for Enterprise user)

Thank you

I also getting same issue please guide , how to make it working ?

For now you are going to have to do it manually. The lua code to download plugins on native still relies on the old repo that no longer exist.

and how is that? can you please give us pointer.

Unfortunately it depends on each individual plugin. And for me at least it is a bunch of trial and error. It was definitely easier before.

Here is what I do:

  1. Find the plugin either from the github, Solar2d or whatever marketplace (things are spread out everywhere these days). Uncompress the tgz file or zip file.
  2. If it is a lua plugin copy the decompressed lua folder into your plugin folder in the corona folder.
  3. If it is a native plugin then copy the frameworks and static libs into your project (by dragging and dropping into the framework folder). Make sure to select copy if necessary.
  4. Look at the metadata.lua file for whatever plugin you downloaded. And add those references to your project. For example if under static frameworks it says z then add z.tbz framework to your project. If under frameworks it says Foundation then add Foundation.framework to your project.
  5. You also have to add any additional files in the original plugin folder. Usually resource files. Make sure they are copied if necessary.

Thanks agramonte,
WOW…what a mess.

I just tried this tricky way, I have downloaded latest Corona (not Solar2D) version 3583 and run it, it did download the plugins, but not sure it pulls the latest plugins, I’ll check that, what do you think?

yeah I see most of plugins are located around here:

No idea. I have not done that recently. Let me know how it goes.

You may want to follow this issue on GitHub.

That Github issue seems a combination of 2 issues. The original issue talks about xCode builds (native) while the bottom and proposed solution talks about adding the respective plugin to the build settings which has nothing to do with what is discussed here.

The actual issue here is that lua script does a license check before downloading the plugin for the repo. The repo is old and will get removed but the license check fails. I submitted a code check a while ago to remove the license check but Vlad felt it would be just a short term fix and that somebody needed to fix the entire download process:

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Hi @bgmadclown,
Thank you so much for pointing it out the correct link here.


I have solved the issue now. We have to update URL manually in build.settings file to get latest plugin release.

Here is what I do for plugin.bit :

["plugin.bit"] =
                    publisherId = "com.coronalabs",
                    supportedPlatforms = 
                        iphone = 

Thank you guys I will give it try at the moment,
I think we should add that url to this page: https://plugins.solar2d.com/ so it easily copied from there,
I will start by having public google sheet, that do the mapping for some plugins that I find. what do you think?

Also to make content more organized/accessible for the community, I think we need to figure way to highlight such features/updates (rather than just forum thread, or discord), don’t know maybe some blog or normal documentation.

Thank you