Downloading openssl plugin sometimes fails

Several times a day, when I run the Windows Simulator I get a message that plugin.openssl cannot be downloaded. A relaunch of the simulator removes the error.

This is the only plugin I get the error from. 

It’s not a show stopping issue, but it scares me everytime :slight_smile: Many of my apps rely on this plugin.

Best regards!


Our build server for downloading plugins is sensitive to timeouts. If there are Internet hiccups between you and us it can generate those build errors. Usually the larger the plugin, the more likely it is to run into this, which surprises me since the OpenSSL plugin is one of the smaller ones I think.


Our build server for downloading plugins is sensitive to timeouts. If there are Internet hiccups between you and us it can generate those build errors. Usually the larger the plugin, the more likely it is to run into this, which surprises me since the OpenSSL plugin is one of the smaller ones I think.
