I am an amateur programmer and I am tinkering around with solar2D for some weeks now - and I must say, I like it very much! As I am amateur mathmatician too, I try to accomplish a task that seems simple but probably isn’t.
The user should be able to draw an ellipse like form on the screen with the finger or some kind of computer stylus. The app should then calculate and show an ideal ellipse that is best fitting to the drawn form. This should be expanded later to other simple geometric forms.
First challenge: Draw with solar2D doesn’t seem to be a obvious task but possible, though the few apperarances of this topic in the forum are quite old and links to templates not working anymore. Is there a better way doing this than recording touch events and creating circles as pen strokes?
Second challenge: Calculate the ellipse from the recorded points. This seems to be a complicated mathmatical optimisation problem. Algorithms do exist and are programmed for respective systems (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/3215-fit_ellipse) but I do not know how to implement external ressources into my solar2D code and do also think that this approach might be to ambitious for my objective.
Does anyone of you have an idea that may lead me towards a solution? I have a feeling that I am thinking too complex at the moment and maybe there is a simple way out …
Thank you!