Don’t really need Graphics 2.0 for this it is pretty simple to do
Not sure I have code for this anymore as I was just playing around but the way I did it to make it smooth and what not is have an imagesheet with different size “white” brushes then when they were drawing i just did newImage(imageSheet, “brushA”) etc. and did a setFillColor() and recorded the x/y/size/brush/color into a local table.
Then instead of pushing an image up to the server i simply uploaded the final saved table x/y/size/brush/color to a server as a json object.
When it came time to run what the person had drawn I simply downloaded the json file and ran through the json with a draw timer and repeated the process above (minus the adding to table part)…
There was a few examples of drawing with your finger on the resource section but didn’t care for how they were drawing and found that simply using a imagesheet with fillcolor i could make the brushes really smooth and anti-aliased and it actually used less memory and textureMemory than any other resource i could find.
Well that and I could do stars, sprites etc. really pretty much anything i could put in a imagesheet (and combined with texturePacker) it becomes even easier lol…
Anyhoot, not sure if that is the answer you were looking for or not but might give you some ideas.