Drawing like Draw Something - possible?

Quick question for you experts, hopefully Graphics 2.0 can provide a neat solution:

We’ve got a client who wants us to create a drawing game.

From a tech perspective, I’d like to know how we’d approach drawing onto the scene using finger touch, e.g. like how Draw Something does it. Can we use smoothed vector lines or would we maybe have to plot little sprites? We’d like to have pen colour and thickness selection too.

Hopefully, it’s possible. Don’t really want to go down the Adobe Flash Stage 3D/Flex/AIR route but it can do vectors.

All help and advice appreciated!



Don’t really need Graphics 2.0 for this it is pretty simple to do :slight_smile:

Not sure I have code for this anymore as I was just playing around but the way I did it to make it smooth and what not is have an imagesheet with different size “white” brushes then when they were drawing i just did newImage(imageSheet, “brushA”) etc. and did a setFillColor() and recorded the x/y/size/brush/color into a local table.

Then instead of pushing an image up to the server i simply uploaded the final saved table x/y/size/brush/color to a server as a json object.

When it came time to run what the person had drawn I simply downloaded the json file and ran through the json with a draw timer and repeated the process above (minus the adding to table part)…

There was a few examples of drawing with your finger on the resource section but didn’t care for how they were drawing and found that simply using a imagesheet with fillcolor i could make the brushes really smooth and anti-aliased and it actually used less memory and textureMemory than any other resource i could find.

Well that and I could do stars, sprites etc. really pretty much anything i could put in a imagesheet (and combined with texturePacker) it becomes even easier lol…

Anyhoot, not sure if that is the answer you were looking for or not but might give you some ideas.


That’s great Chris, many thanks for the explanation, very helpful to know it’s possible.

If you do come across any of that playing around code, I’d love to see it.



No Problem :slight_smile:

I will look to see if I have it anymore not sure if I saved it from my last machine wipe as it was just in a goofing around folder that isn’t backed up.

If I can’t find it today, I will slap together a simple example for you shouldn’t take more than about a hour or so and send you a link :slight_smile:

Now THAT would be absolutely fantastic, thank you  :smiley:

I think I saw a paid template for a drawing app from one of the Corona Template developers. It might be a simple way to get a jump in your development cycle. 

@ksan do you have a link? thanks man.

Here they are… 



First is 4.99 GBP and second 20 GBP… Either should save you more in your times worth than what you pay them. Not affiliated with the sellers personally but these look great! 

Good luck. 

Thanks @ksan - you know, the 4.99 template looks good enough - I’ll go grab it as a starting point.

@cbishop0 I don’t want to waste any more of your time - thanks also.

It’s a great community on these forums  :slight_smile:

Glad to be of service. I too feel exactly the same way as you do. The community is wonderful and I received so much assistance along the way so I always want to do my little part where I can. Good luck with your project. 

no problemo :slight_smile:


Don’t really need Graphics 2.0 for this it is pretty simple to do :slight_smile:

Not sure I have code for this anymore as I was just playing around but the way I did it to make it smooth and what not is have an imagesheet with different size “white” brushes then when they were drawing i just did newImage(imageSheet, “brushA”) etc. and did a setFillColor() and recorded the x/y/size/brush/color into a local table.

Then instead of pushing an image up to the server i simply uploaded the final saved table x/y/size/brush/color to a server as a json object.

When it came time to run what the person had drawn I simply downloaded the json file and ran through the json with a draw timer and repeated the process above (minus the adding to table part)…

There was a few examples of drawing with your finger on the resource section but didn’t care for how they were drawing and found that simply using a imagesheet with fillcolor i could make the brushes really smooth and anti-aliased and it actually used less memory and textureMemory than any other resource i could find.

Well that and I could do stars, sprites etc. really pretty much anything i could put in a imagesheet (and combined with texturePacker) it becomes even easier lol…

Anyhoot, not sure if that is the answer you were looking for or not but might give you some ideas.


That’s great Chris, many thanks for the explanation, very helpful to know it’s possible.

If you do come across any of that playing around code, I’d love to see it.



No Problem :slight_smile:

I will look to see if I have it anymore not sure if I saved it from my last machine wipe as it was just in a goofing around folder that isn’t backed up.

If I can’t find it today, I will slap together a simple example for you shouldn’t take more than about a hour or so and send you a link :slight_smile:

Now THAT would be absolutely fantastic, thank you  :smiley:

I think I saw a paid template for a drawing app from one of the Corona Template developers. It might be a simple way to get a jump in your development cycle. 

@ksan do you have a link? thanks man.

Here they are… 



First is 4.99 GBP and second 20 GBP… Either should save you more in your times worth than what you pay them. Not affiliated with the sellers personally but these look great! 

Good luck. 

Thanks @ksan - you know, the 4.99 template looks good enough - I’ll go grab it as a starting point.

@cbishop0 I don’t want to waste any more of your time - thanks also.

It’s a great community on these forums  :slight_smile:

Glad to be of service. I too feel exactly the same way as you do. The community is wonderful and I received so much assistance along the way so I always want to do my little part where I can. Good luck with your project.